Port and Starboard markers

normalguy21's Avatar
I find it very interesting that most people that claim they have seen are saw a U.F.O first noticed the ufo by the blinking lights .

Time travelers from millions of light years away have came to our time and place to comply with the FAA regulated port and starboard marker regulations ?


And to think i "am still looking for bow and stern .

I guess it could be there way of fitting in and getting in the i made a earthling look at the mother ship selfie .
python54's Avatar
I got a quick snapshot of this one the other night, right after I finished that bottle of Jim Beam. I've done sailing in SF Bay but didn't notice port or starboard lights? I did notice the aliens seemed to have dreadlocks and were smoking some kind of pipe? You'd think an advanced race would have given up smoking long ago?

normalguy21's Avatar
Rocky mountain oysters 2 in Willey drinking red beer crusing down the street in my M Farmall .Narrow front you all