After Republicans trounced Democrats in Virginia Tuesday, Democrats did what they do best: carefully reflect on what they did wrong during the campaign to lose the voters' trust.
When they win elections, racism disappears and we’re progressing as a nation. When they lose, it is running rampant everywhere. So, it was only fitting that the dreadful Jemele Hill would use white supremacy to explain the result, even though Winsome Sears won the election as the commonwealth's first black female lieutenant governor.
Last night, after Glenn Youngkin’s victory had become obvious, Hill tweeted: “It’s not the messaging, folks. This country simply loves white supremacy.”
Her sour grapes are typical of the toxic, racist messaging Hill is known for. However, this is a tweet everyone should ridicule because of its sheer absurdity. Virginia's current Democratic governor literally used a picture of himself and a friend, one dressed in blackface and the other as a Ku Klux Klansman. Both Terry McAuliffe and Joe Biden ended up giving him a pass for it. Yet when a black candidate such as Sears reaches a historic milestone, Hill melts down with a screed about white supremacy.
She cannot accept the crux of the issue — voters rejected the racist, divisive ideologies she holds dear.
Sears's win should be celebrated, not overshadowed by Hill’s stupidity. A Marine veteran, Sears ran a fantastic, patriotic campaign. She ran on the revolutionary idea the United States is a wonderful place, instead of moping for months about how bad and racist it is and how awful the voters and parents of Virginia are for having opinions. Sears, a native of Jamaica, said she would die for her country, and when she joined the Marine Corps, she showed she meant it.
"I'm telling you that what you are looking at is the American dream," Sears said during her victory speech.
Compare that to Hill, who detests the country while earning millions of dollars from its bounty.
The election of Winsome Sears is a monumental event for Virginia and the U.S. You could even say it's one more piece of evidence that the county in 2021 simply does not love white supremacy.
Comment -
democraticommunists - cannot let go of their racist, marxist ideology of Hatred of America, Freedom, and Equality for All under teh Rule of law!.
To see the intellectual contortions they go through to justify their losses - it is frightening in their fixation on and dedication to their marxist ideology Uber Alles
and how they fool themselves, Lie to themselves, and Keep themselves on thesame destructive pathway of marxist, racist Hatred!!!
In specific reference to teh democraticommunist nomenklatura and LSM - I use teh word
This word is not to be construed as referring to any poster on this forum, past, present, future, or any otherwise.
Unless - perhaps - Terry McAuliffe decides to post.
America thanks teh 'liberals' for their self-centric, elitist, arrogance, and the gifts they give in Losing.
Thank God!!!!
Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!