A Strange Request...

tmnb26's Avatar
This may be the strangest thing I have ever asked for in a forum.

I am looking for a gal who has done some time working in a truck stop lot at any point in their professional life.

I have a friend who is an author and is writing a book about a serial killer who is killing prostitutes and transients. She would like to get some intel on how you do what you do. She will not use your name or incriminate you in any way. She just needs to do some research and just a little bit of your time. She has told me in the last few months, she has drove around truck stops and rest areas, and have not seen one girl working the lot. I know in a lot of the country, truck stops have put an end to girls running around on their lots and more have move to BP or here to advertise.

From what she has told me, there are 500+ unsolved murders that the FBI thinks may have stemmed from one or more unknown serial killers who have preyed on girls who work the lots. She is making this a focal point of her new book.

If you can help out, just PM me and I will get you in touch with her. I can also send you back information about her and her past books.
This may be the strangest thing I have ever asked for in a forum.

I am looking for a gal who has done some time working in a truck stop lot at any point in their professional life.

I have a friend who is an author and is writing a book about a serial killer who is killing prostitutes and transients. She would like to get some intel on how you do what you do. She will not use your name or incriminate you in any way. She just needs to do some research and just a little bit of your time. She has told me in the last few months, she has drove around truck stops and rest areas, and have not seen one girl working the lot. I know in a lot of the country, truck stops have put an end to girls running around on their lots and more have move to BP or here to advertise.

From what she has told me, there are 500+ unsolved murders that the FBI thinks may have stemmed from one or more unknown serial killers who have preyed on girls who work the lots. She is making this a focal point of her new book.

If you can help out, just PM me and I will get you in touch with her. I can also send you back information about her and her past books. Originally Posted by tmnb26
Yup that is random
strawberrycar934's Avatar
Just a question, why wouldn't your friend just visit a truck stop. Watch what happens and then buy someone lunch or dinner and talk. Seems like a simple way to gather the information. Or maybe, you have been deluged with offline data. Just seems more logical to go where the story is...
I would go to the truck stop in Lincoln out west. Sit around and watch at night.
tmnb26's Avatar
My friend has gone to truck stops and rest areas, but failed to even see one girl working the lot. They have been looking all across the country while they have been on their current book tour.

A lot of truck stops have cracked down and will not allow girls to work the lots. Most have gone to the internet to advertise. I am just looking so someone who may have done this in the past and willing to share her story.
Trina the girl that killed the truck driver out at shoemakers in Lincoln 8 yrs ago is out at LCC in Lincoln this is a work release facility so anyone can vistit. Don't no if you remember this it was her and hillbilly. I'm sure if she contacted her out there she would talk to her. She came from a good family started doing drugs and then working the truck stop. I can give you her full name.
Oh i guess she is out now. Don't think she would be hard to find.