Fool me once, shame on you, twice shame on me

Do you have to be a paid member to post a review?

I have now been left "hard and lonely" twice by the same provider.

The first time, she DID email that she was late an hour before the meet, but I was on the road by then and I failed to get ok, that was my fault. I called when she wasn't there and left a message. She called back later and was very apologetic....but we didn't meet.

The second time, I set up the meet 5 days in advance, by email. This time I was coming to her home turf. I confirmed it 2 days before the meet by email. The day of the meet, I get a request for confirmation 4 hours before the scheduled meet, by email.....but I'm on the road. I get the email at a rest stop, and call and leave a voicemail confirmation 3 hours before meet. Once at the hotel, I call and leave a voicemail confirmation, with room number, 90 minutes before meet.


20 minutes after appointment time, I leave another voicemail.


45 minutes after, I send an email.

2 hours after, nothin.

Things I did wrong. I probably should have included my phone number in the emails I sent, but did not. I assumed she still had it from the first time I called her when she was late. She apparently had no way to contact me instantly.

I don't understand it as she has lots of excellent reviews in the Omaha area. And maybe she could remotely sense that I look like a cross between Gilbert Godfried and Quasimodo...and she just wasn't ready to deal with that. I'm sure she has a good reason, but I'm still very frustrated (in the I've got lots of sexual tension and no way to release it way). Omaha rolls up the sidewalks at 9. Nothin I can do.

Is it worth posting a review? As I said, she is a well respected provider.

Ah well........
I posted the above while pissed and horny. A bad combo.

I am not going to post a review. Don't want to be labeled a whiner, as I would still like to hobby in this market. I have had great success in my other market, but now 3 standups by 2 providers in this market. I would sure appreciate pm's from others with help on playing this market, but I will not reveal my nc/ns identity.

MODS: please close and kill this thread.
You can't post a review of a session that didn't happen. But, I'm sure the guys are going to want to know who the lady is.

You wouldn't be labeled a whiner if you called her out on it. Usually guys will wait 48 hours to call a chick out for a NCNS in case something did happen.

Sorry that happened to you doll.
Osolomio's Avatar
Life so gets in the way sometimes.
Osolomio's Avatar
Give her a chance to explain. You're right. The heat of the moment can get us all to forget the proper filters. That said, if that was you pissed and horny, you seem pretty fair minded and level headed in your post. Kudos to you.

To keep everyone sane and happy you best bet is to try another well reviewed provider. There must be one or two around here. Hey, E. Ya know any?

What's all that purring I keep hearing?
You can post NCNS reviews. Nash has posted two of them. After last weeks nasty little episodes on the "no" recommendations I am not sure it is worth it to the OP to post but may be good information for others. If you live in Omaha it might not be a big deal but when you are several hours away it pisses you off. I don't know if the OP made a special trip for this or not but I can feel his frustration.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
MMS -What Elena stated above is correct. A "review" of a NCNS session is not to be posted to the Independent Provider Reviews section of the board. It belongs here in the Coed Discussions section. In fact if you look you will see that a recent NCNS review which caused quite a bit of commotion was moved by the moderator out of the Independent Provider Reviews section here to the Coed Discussions. The reason behind that is having it here in an open forum allows the provider to comment and tell her side of the story if she so chooses. IMHO a NCNS is much more damaging to a provider's reputation and livelihood than your run of the mill negative review related to a provider's performance or appearance, which is a lot more subjective.
You can post NCNS reviews. Originally Posted by makemesmile
Bigh1955's Avatar
Sorry to disagree MsE but a NCNS review is a says there was a meeting scheduled and the provider acted unprofessionally. These are perhaps the most damaging reviews a provider can receive. I agree waiting is appropriate to make sure there wasn't a good reason. Lacking communication explaining the breach....REVIEW
You can write it, but it won't be in the review'll be in the CoEd section because the review section is for reviews of sessions that actually took place.

Is there a rule that you guys have to follow? I don't know because I don't have PA. But, from what I've seen posted by MODs and their actions, that's the way it happens.

But, if a NCNS did happen and there was no communication what so ever from the lady within a reasonable amount time, then call her out in the CoEd section. Anything with her name attached will show up if a search is done of her name.

NCNS's are bad. Most men are taking time off of work, using a good excuse for their SO, using their lunch break and its just the time wasted period. I've done a NCNS once, but I was in the ER, so he was very forgiving and I made it up to him even though I didn't have to.
My preference is to put a NCNS warning in the review section or in the men's locker room. If the Mod doesn't want them in the review section, he can move it or delete it as he sees fit. My goal is to warn other pb's (pussy buyers) about my experience. When I put up a NCNS warning, I've given the provider every benefit of the doubt. 99.9% of the time, I've heard nothing back from the provider and she has absolutely no legs to stand on for her negligence.

Because of the numerous NCNS I've been subjected to, I won't book an unestablished Omaha gal out more than a few minutes. Once I've been NCNS by a gal who leaves me hanging, I'm done with her and I prefer to not have dealings with her again. The last thing I want is some NCNS provider dragging me into their drama on this board. This is why I have a preference for keeping it out of the co-ed section and keeping it in the review section or the men's locker room.

The nice thing about the whole situation is the fact that the vast majority of the providers who have NCNS me are no longer in business or have moved on. Apparently, many other guys have felt the same type of "love", so I am not alone.
Since Marcus Aurelius is on vacation, I was requested to post the correct interpretation of the NC/NS rule. The official moderator position is that is a review is posted that is an NC/NS, the review will be moved to Coed Discussions and no PA credit will be given - there is an option for the moderators when they examine reviews to reject a review because no activities took place. If the provider NC/NS'd you, then, by definition, no activities took place. If you prefer not to write a review about an NC/NS, then you may post it in Coed or any of the other discussion forums or in the Men's Lounge, but if it's posted in the review forum, it will be moved.
Do you have to be a paid member to post a review? Originally Posted by hgritstoo
No, sir. You do not. In fact, you can gain premium access this way, except apparently a no call / no show does not constitute a review, as explained by our mods.

I have now been left "hard and lonely" twice by the same provider. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
That completely sucks. I think you should share this with us, perhaps in the gentlemen-only section, as others suggested.

If it helps, I will not be commenting on your experience, even if it is my favorite provider. (Lord, please, don't let it be my favorite provider.)

And maybe she could remotely sense that I look like a cross between Gilbert Godfried and Quasimodo...and she just wasn't ready to deal with that.
Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Sweet Jesus! And do you sound like the Aflac duck?
Farmers Daughter's Avatar
I have had a friend post a NC/NS review in the review section that was never moved to the coed. Did get a second chance but he isn't a reviewer and hasn't posted about it. Unfortunately his 1st review written was the bad one on me.

NC/NS is very bad to do.
In my situation I was a airhead and forgot my phone so wasn't able to contact him and my car that I now have fixed broke down on me and I was stuck on the side of the road for a couple hrs waiting for help and by the time I was able to contact him he had already written the review and didn't know what happened. We kissed and made up and that's all that counts.
Duke1023's Avatar
Having some first hand experience in the NC/NS posting realm, I will say that after the dust settles you're probably best keeping it to yourself. I unintentionally caused one of the huge shit storms last week and it probably didn't end well for any of the parties involved. You can try and be as respectful as possible, however negative is negative.

I would like to think that information sharing is an important aspect of the Community, however when feelings get hurt it starts to turn into junior high all over again. Make your own conclusions, but I for one will be very cautious in the future when writing anything negative about a provider. When it's all said and done, it's just not worth it.
Farmers Daughter's Avatar
Don't says its not worth it because it is. We all just have to realize it's ones opinion not all. I went over board with what I did and there's no way to justify it. My mistake.

One thing I ask is....

Why are us providers held to a much higher standard than our gentlemen friends? Weither we are getting paid or the one paying. It has been reverse too

Myself along with other hookers have had gentlemen NCNS us. Our time is just as valuable as yours and seldom does anyone give us a reason. There's been hobbyist that have tried to set another day again as if nothing happen the 1st they contacted. Those I will not see because they play it off as no big deal. Anyways TTFN.... Have a sexy date to attend!!!