Once Upon A Climax Dearly - What's Hot?

EllaInAustin's Avatar
Last night, filled with a tingling afterglow, lying next to a beautiful feisty woman and experiencing a wonderful massage from an amazing man...

the lovely lady and I had a conversation about erotic writing and what we think is hot to read about.

It made me curious to find out what others like - rough and tumble, slow and sensual, graphic, sensually implied?

Personally, I read a lot but not too much of what would be considered erotica. My favorite is a well-placed steamy sex scene as part of the plot of a more mainstream novel. I admit though that what I particularly like involves an assertive partner and a long, slow build up. I appreciate a combination sensuality and in-your-face graphic descriptions.

Anyone else have an appreciation of the art of literary erotica?
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 01-20-2010, 12:47 PM
are you referring to the type of scene in most Nora Roberts novels?the good James
EllaInAustin's Avatar
I've never read anything by her, so I am not sure. I know I like something with more edge than just romance but not like Penthouse Forum. Something like "The Lover" by Marguerite Duras.

When I watch porn I like to cut straight to the money shot - don't need plot. With reading however, I like a slow build up and some lingering.

I guess it's hard to put my finger exactly on it but I know it when I read it...!

"There’s only one obscenity, one crime in erotic writing— and that’s being a bore."

- How To Write a Dirty Story

I am a HUGE fan of the "Anita Blake" series by Laurell K. Hamilton. About two or three books into the series the sex just gets turned up a notch each book it seems.
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 01-20-2010, 10:07 PM
Robert Parker's novels explore the relationship between men and women- especially the sexual side. Sadly, he died today. He wrote the Spenser novels, the Sunny Randall series and the Jesse Stone novels that Tom Selleck plays on tv.thegj
I am a HUGE fan of the "Anita Blake" series by Laurell K. Hamilton. About two or three books into the series the sex just gets turned up a notch each book it seems. Originally Posted by mstrdragon
Those are very steamy as the sex is very esoteric with all of the majic and otherworldly creatures. Her other series centering around Princess Meredith is pretty hot as well. Her prose leaves you feeling as if you are there and can still smell the hot sex!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Ella, for me, it really does not mater how graphic the writing is, the thing that grabs me is the story, does it draw me in and keeps me wanting more. Erotic stories have to have this for me otherwise it is not appealing, just like porn or sex, it has to be more than just the act itself.

Sweet lady, your writings have always been entertaining, and with the qualities I mentioned above, keep writing, you have a fan here.

Last night, filled with a tingling afterglow, lying next to a beautiful feisty woman and experiencing a wonderful massage from an amazing man... Originally Posted by EllaInAustin
Lucky guy to have his hands on such a lovely body!

CharmingChameleon's Avatar
Last night, filled with a tingling afterglow, lying next to a beautiful feisty woman and experiencing a wonderful massage from an amazing man... Originally Posted by EllaInAustin
That sounds pretty damn hot to me!

I have to admit I never read erotica. Maybe I should start...
I am going to read the last two fantasy reviews I posted on you. "unscripted doubles-" and "FaFaFaFa four-" that combined with the unwritten, ---- Ahh -- had to pause and reflect, moments ever imprinted in memory should take care of my erotic reading.
Metal Smith
Well, I have never pursued perusal of erotica. Oh, unless you count six years of droolishly reading All Sex Possibilities Described!

I don't know, but reading about it seems voyeuristic, like watching instead of doing. It's a form of rubbernecking, and I prefer to rub her, necking.

Who am I kidding? As much as I enjoyed your most excellent opening line, Ella, I am sure I would love reading more of such steamy stuff!

I look forward to line 2!