What are some good screening methods

Ross B's Avatar
Being that I'm a bit of a newbie I would need some advice on some good screening method. For the most part I typically ask for the first name and last name, cell phone number, place of employment, company website and employment email. Is there anything that I'm missing or any other questions that I should be asking?
If you manage to establish some informal, respectful and sisterly links with Verified Providers in your general area, one excellent way might be to request a reference from a verified provider from ECCIE, TER, or a similar site, perhaps even Preferred411 if they will accept you. But you already knew all that. Asking for a person's cell phone number, place of employment, company website and workplace email would be huge NO-NOs as far as I was concerned! Can you imagine a young woman calling up anyone at the front desk and asking if someone (important) was employed by XYZ? Whoa, does it take any brains for the rumor mills to start churning overtime at the workplace? Why should someone offer their names, and full private information to someone who could wreak mischief ? Please think through this aspect, if you are trying to attract corporate clients of substance. The head of the World Bank was undone by a set-up created by political and other rivals, using a convoluted "honey trap". So please be deathly careful about privacy issues. Some day it could mean life and death, in a power-hungry city like Dallas, Fort Worth, and places where the elite congregate.
I'm a newbie as well any advice on how to trust these guys or not please help me another thing I need help with is how to get over the worry of the first time
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Oh sure you're forgetting to get his social security number, mothers maiden name, and checking account balance.

No wonder you're having trouble getting started with your crazy screening!

Do yourself a favor, PM one of the many lovely ladies who have been doing this awhile and have them talk some sense into you and give you some realistic methods.
Darling's, please PM me. I'll send you some things.

Mr. Greenpeace, you could be right, depending on who you're interested in meeting. But employee verification is significantly less invasive than you make it.

Most clients of substance have no issue with screening. As a matter of fact, most understand the purpose of screening, and are not attracted to women who have the 'streetwalker' approach to meeting with them. Anyone who doesn't care who she meets obviously doesn't have a lot to lose, and therefore capable of anything. Like blackmail. They look for women who understand the concept of discretion.

And before you go there, discretion and anonymity are not the same thing. Any sane woman endeavoring into this industry could not do so safely solely based on anonymity. That's how ladies get found cut into pieces in alleys and stuff. No woman should go into a new encounter unsure if she's going to jail or robbed or dead. I hope you understand their concern.
universalenergy's Avatar
Darling's, please PM me. I'll send you some things. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
That's good Tiffani that your willing to help her. I hope she listens to you. You might want to show her the guidelines. Especially the Welcome Forum guidelines.
Doodle23's Avatar
You are also forgetting to get his fingerprints, birth certificate, and blood type. Wouldn't want you to leave anything out.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Also ask for his medical records and history of STDs.
I suppose it is ok to ask for pms with helpful tips, but no answers should be given in a public forum where LE is taking notes.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Don't be silly.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Ladies feel free to PM or email me as well. I have bunches of screening methods/alternatives.