I hope Pence does better this time

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Pence didn't do too well on his last "outbreak".

You know trump didn't know he screwed the pooch and even if his "advisors" told him he wouldn't change his mind.

Mike Pence was criticized for his handling of Indiana’s HIV outbreak. He will lead the U.S. coronavirus response.

When President Trump announced that Vice President Pence would lead federal efforts against the spread of the coronavirus, he said the Pence was the right person for the task because of his experience.

“He’s got a certain talent for this,” Trump said at a White House briefing about the virus, which has infected nearly five dozen people in the United States so far.

The announcement has cast light on Pence’s record as a lawmaker and his handling of a major public health crisis during his time as governor of Indiana. The worst HIV outbreak in the state’s history happened on his watch in 2015, which critics blamed on Pence’s belated response and his opposition to authorizing a needle-exchange program.

In 2011, as a member of Congress, he voted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Two years later, a Planned Parenthood clinic that had been the only HIV-testing center in Scott County, Ind., closed after public health spending cuts, HuffPost reported.
Two months passed from the start of the outbreak in 2015 before Pence declared a public state of emergency.

The spread of the disease was attributed to people injecting Opana, an addictive painkiller, with shared needles. But Pence didn’t agree with federal health experts that distributing clean needles was a good idea.

“I don’t believe effective anti-drug policy involves handing out drug paraphernalia,” he told the Indianapolis Star at the time. Despite assurances from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that it is an effective way to halt the spread of infections and diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B and C, Pence said that if state lawmakers tried to send him a bill for a needle-exchange program, he would veto it.

As cases spiked, Pence reportedly turned to prayer.

Bernie Sanders

Trump's plan for the coronavirus so far:

-Cut winter heating assistance for the poor
-Have VP Pence, who wanted to "pray away" HIV epidemic, oversee the response
-Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all


After 75 people were confirmed to be HIV-positive, Pence announced he would allow a 30-day needle exchange.
Public health officials weren’t the only ones to warn Pence about delaying action. State Rep. Ed Clere, a fellow Republican, also pushed Pence to approve a needle exchange.

“It was disappointing that it took so much effort to bring the governor on board,” Clere told the New York Times.

In 2018, researchers at Yale University found that the epidemic could have been prevented if Pence and state officials had acted faster. The study received financial support from the federal government.

“Our findings suggest that with earlier action the actual number of infections recorded in Scott County — 215 — might have been brought down to fewer than 56, if the state had acted in 2013, or to fewer than 10 infections, if they had responded to the [hepatitis C] outbreak in 2010-2011,” the paper’s senior author, Forrest W. Crawford, said in a statement at the time. Instead they cut funding for the last HIV testing provider in the county.”
One of the researchers on the study, Yale epidemiologist Gregg Gonsalves, tweeted Wednesday that Pence’s assignment overseeing coronavirus efforts “speaks to a lack of seriousness by the White House.”

Pence also downplayed the risk of smoking as late as 2000, Vox first reported; he wrote in an op-ed on his congressional website: “Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.”

On Wednesday, Trump emphasized that Pence would not be a coronavirus “czar” because “he is a part of the administration.”

Pence said he looked forward to leading the federal response to the coronavirus.

“As a former governor from the state where the first MERS case emerged in 2014,” he said, “I know full well the importance of presidential leadership, the importance of administration leadership, and the vital role of partnerships of state and local governments, and health authorities in responding to potential threats and dangerous infectious diseases.”


Nice pick, douche-bag.

Now you really own this.

Now we have to hope trump is right about something.

  • oeb11
  • 02-27-2020, 07:31 AM
nazi pelosi and crying chuckie schumer will present their plan to stop the corona virus threat to the US just as soon as their phto-ops are finished and their re-election coffers are full of money donated by their useful idiots.

Please "Hold"!
rexdutchman's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
nazi pelosi and crying chuckie schumer will present their plan to stop the corona virus threat to the US just as soon as their phto-ops are finished and their re-election coffers are full of money donated by their useful idiots.

Please "Hold"! Originally Posted by oeb11
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Anybody else find this suspicious?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Anybody else find this suspicious? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I suspect it’s the fat lying bastard’s strategy to suppress facts from reaching the public. The current flu viruses do have Vaccines to impede a pandemic but Corona hasn’t, that’s the major issue. The lying bastard claims a vaccine is on the way while the CDC and other experts claim its at least a year away. Having Pence in the chair allows the administration to control their lies.

Safety tip: every time the laying bastard lies run wash your hands...just to be on the safe side.
  • oeb11
  • 02-27-2020, 08:03 AM
j666 - There are guidelines for personal hygience from the CDC and NIH for personal protection from Influenza and other viruses - including Corona.

Consider looking them up and helping your self and yours to avoid illness.

Meanwhile - One can wash hands like lady MacBeth - but that won't change the political situation.

If all One has is "fat lying bastard" - given the adminsitration commitment actions from tony Fauci last night - One is truly deluded by trump hatred.

Please help yourself and read the CDC guidelines. Look them up yourself. So I am not accused with your favorite word.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous forgot to post this, oebsy!

Originally Posted by rexdutchman
No charge, young lady.
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666 - There are guidelines for personal hygience from the CDC and NIH for personal protection from Influenza and other viruses - including Corona.

Consider looking them up and helping your self and yours to avoid illness.

Meanwhile - One can wash hands like lady MacBeth - but that won't change the political situation.

If all One has is "fat lying bastard" - given the adminsitration commitment actions from tony Fauci last night - One is truly deluded by trump hatred.

Please help yourself and read the CDC guidelines. Look them up yourself. So I am not accused with your favorite word. Originally Posted by oeb11
Listen up, you’re exchanging posts with a man who has treated all types of communicable diseases in the the back of an ambulance in all stages of illness. My daughter a ICU nurse for UT Health has been following the outbreaks and we talk often. I think I’m well informed.

You didn’t know that about me, so, you get a pass on your attack, this time.
As I've asked in other threads (and have gotten no response) what do you progs expect the Trump Administration to do to combat the Corona virus that they aren't already doing?

Be specific.

Your silence is deafening.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Present a plan? To trump?

This is his job, cupcake. And he gave it to Pence while he was between campaign rallies in India and South Carolina.

See how you project? You talk about photo-ops and fundraising.

Exactly what the guy who should be working on this is doing.
nazi pelosi and crying chuckie schumer will present their plan to stop the corona virus threat to the US just as soon as their phto-ops are finished and their re-election coffers are full of money donated by their useful idiots.

Please "Hold"! Originally Posted by oeb11
That's right. Guidelines that trump didn't mention in any of his speeches about the virus.
And from the number of people who get the flu every year, it's obvious that more needs to be done than to follow CDC guidelines for personal hygiene to stay virus-free.

Stop defending trump. He has done nothing but downplay the severity of the virus, blame Dems, and hand responsibility to somebody who screwed the pooch on his last attempt at managing a health crisis.
You predicted, "The cost of the disease pandemic in the US will be millions sickened, and tens to hundreds of thousands of deaths."

And trump goes to fundraisers.

I'm not going to call you a liar. I'm going to call you stupid.
j666 - There are guidelines for personal hygience from the CDC and NIH for personal protection from Influenza and other viruses - including Corona.

Consider looking them up and helping your self and yours to avoid illness.

Meanwhile - One can wash hands like lady MacBeth - but that won't change the political situation.

If all One has is "fat lying bastard" - given the adminsitration commitment actions from tony Fauci last night - One is truly deluded by trump hatred.

Please help yourself and read the CDC guidelines. Look them up yourself. So I am not accused with your favorite word. Originally Posted by oeb11
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So according to you, nothing else can be done. Because no one else in the threads you've been to can answer your question.

One thing they could do is communicate the situation better. A lot better.

Another thing is trump could stay in Washington and do his fucking job.
On second thought, it's probably best if trump leaves.

I know trumpys have low standards but the rest of us expect more than "wash your hands".

Just one more subject that you are an expert on when you don't know shit about it.

STFU and listen.

Was that specific enough?
As I've asked in other threads (and have gotten no response) what do you progs expect the Trump Administration to do to combat the Corona virus that they aren't already doing?

Be specific.

Your silence is deafening. Originally Posted by gnadfly
  • oeb11
  • 02-27-2020, 09:37 AM
Listen up, you’re exchanging posts with a man who has treated all types of communicable diseases in the the back of an ambulance in all stages of illness. My daughter a ICU nurse for UT Health has been following the outbreaks and we talk often. I think I’m well informed.

You didn’t know that about me, so, you get a pass on your attack, this time. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

j66- it was not an attack.

No - i have no need to know your credentials. glad you have them. make use of them to protect yourself and your family.

You know not of my credentials - an I am qualified to speak with you from a medical expert standpoint.

Thank you.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Pence didn't do too well on his last "outbreak".

You know trump didn't know he screwed the pooch and even if his "advisors" told him he wouldn't change his mind.

Mike Pence was criticized for his handling of Indiana’s HIV outbreak. He will lead the U.S. coronavirus response.

When President Trump announced that Vice President Pence would lead federal efforts against the spread of the coronavirus, he said the Pence was the right person for the task because of his experience.

“He’s got a certain talent for this,” Trump said at a White House briefing about the virus, which has infected nearly five dozen people in the United States so far.

The announcement has cast light on Pence’s record as a lawmaker and his handling of a major public health crisis during his time as governor of Indiana. The worst HIV outbreak in the state’s history happened on his watch in 2015, which critics blamed on Pence’s belated response and his opposition to authorizing a needle-exchange program.

In 2011, as a member of Congress, he voted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Two years later, a Planned Parenthood clinic that had been the only HIV-testing center in Scott County, Ind., closed after public health spending cuts, HuffPost reported.
Two months passed from the start of the outbreak in 2015 before Pence declared a public state of emergency.

The spread of the disease was attributed to people injecting Opana, an addictive painkiller, with shared needles. But Pence didn’t agree with federal health experts that distributing clean needles was a good idea.

“I don’t believe effective anti-drug policy involves handing out drug paraphernalia,” he told the Indianapolis Star at the time. Despite assurances from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that it is an effective way to halt the spread of infections and diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B and C, Pence said that if state lawmakers tried to send him a bill for a needle-exchange program, he would veto it.

As cases spiked, Pence reportedly turned to prayer.

Bernie Sanders

Trump's plan for the coronavirus so far:

-Cut winter heating assistance for the poor
-Have VP Pence, who wanted to "pray away" HIV epidemic, oversee the response
-Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all


After 75 people were confirmed to be HIV-positive, Pence announced he would allow a 30-day needle exchange.
Public health officials weren’t the only ones to warn Pence about delaying action. State Rep. Ed Clere, a fellow Republican, also pushed Pence to approve a needle exchange.

“It was disappointing that it took so much effort to bring the governor on board,” Clere told the New York Times.

In 2018, researchers at Yale University found that the epidemic could have been prevented if Pence and state officials had acted faster. The study received financial support from the federal government.

“Our findings suggest that with earlier action the actual number of infections recorded in Scott County — 215 — might have been brought down to fewer than 56, if the state had acted in 2013, or to fewer than 10 infections, if they had responded to the [hepatitis C] outbreak in 2010-2011,” the paper’s senior author, Forrest W. Crawford, said in a statement at the time. Instead they cut funding for the last HIV testing provider in the county.”
One of the researchers on the study, Yale epidemiologist Gregg Gonsalves, tweeted Wednesday that Pence’s assignment overseeing coronavirus efforts “speaks to a lack of seriousness by the White House.”

Pence also downplayed the risk of smoking as late as 2000, Vox first reported; he wrote in an op-ed on his congressional website: “Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.”

On Wednesday, Trump emphasized that Pence would not be a coronavirus “czar” because “he is a part of the administration.”

Pence said he looked forward to leading the federal response to the coronavirus.

“As a former governor from the state where the first MERS case emerged in 2014,” he said, “I know full well the importance of presidential leadership, the importance of administration leadership, and the vital role of partnerships of state and local governments, and health authorities in responding to potential threats and dangerous infectious diseases.”


Nice pick, douche-bag.

Now you really own this.

Now we have to hope trump is right about something.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Very true what you’ve just quoted. No wonder the folks in Indiana were glad to see the back of him
Yeah Pence aka Lurch, is also the guy that stated that smoking doesn’t cause cancer.
Yep, came right out and said it. Of course there’s a nice twist here.
Pence became the spokesman for the tobacco industry and got.a nice fat wad of cash...$100;grand just to lie about the effects of smoking.
No wonder Trump hire the best dregs of society
So now this chucklehead is in charge of the coronavirus. Holy cow.
Better get on our knees and pray then.
To all you Trump Twerps out there. Better make sure you’ve got health ins..because folks that were being tested but had no coverage...$3 grand in the ER. You got that right. That’s what it will cost if you rely on that Bozo in the WH and his TrumpCare solution. Cheers lol
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
I suspect it’s the fat lying bastard’s strategy to suppress facts from reaching the public. The current flu viruses do have Vaccines to impede a pandemic but Corona hasn’t, that’s the major issue. The lying bastard claims a vaccine is on the way while the CDC and other experts claim its at least a year away. Having Pence in the chair allows the administration to control their lies.

Safety tip: every time the laying bastard lies run wash your hands...just to be on the safe side. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Last night on one of the progressive channels, they had an expert on talking about how quickly can a vaccine be developed in time to combat this virus.
He estimated that if everything fell into place and clinical trials were successful you’re looking at at least 12 mths to 18 mths, but as Trump had cut funding in critical depts who knows if that’s possible. Now he’s blaming Pelosi for spreading hysteria. He’s just a pathetic piece of human flesh. Worthless and useless
So according to you, nothing else can be done. Because no one else in the threads you've been to can answer your question. No. I think other things can be done and are being done. Don't try to mind read me boy. It ain't working

One thing they could do is communicate the situation better. A lot better. How? The administration can only communicate what they know and what they are doing. There's been multiple press conferences by Trump and other govt agencies. There's been coverage by the media for about the last month. They appear accurate.

Another thing is trump could stay in Washington and do his fucking job. You know that trip to India was planned weeks, if not months, in advance.
On second thought, it's probably best if trump leaves. That's what it boils down to: Damn Trump if he does, damn him if he doesn't

I know trumpys have low standards but the rest of us expect more than "wash your hands".

Just one more subject that you are an expert on when you don't know shit about it.

STFU and listen. Is your bottle almost empty? It sounds empty?

Was that specific enough?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
No, it wasn't specific. Just more ranting from Masterdrunkposter. I thought you'd say "throw more money at it but you weren't even that cognitively capable.

Last night on one of the progressive channels, they had an expert on talking about how quickly can a vaccine be developed in time to combat this virus.
He estimated that if everything fell into place and clinical trials were successful you’re looking at at least 12 mths to 18 mths, but as Trump had cut funding in critical depts who knows if that’s possible. Now he’s blaming Pelosi for spreading hysteria. He’s just a pathetic piece of human flesh. Worthless and useless Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
You do know that bringing new drugs to market is a time consuming process due to govt regulation and it has been for decades, right?

You do know that politicians consider a budget freeze to be a cut? And that there's a huge amount of waste?

You do know that the Trump administration has asked for money to fight the virus and promised to expedite government approval if necessary?

I don't ask this facetiously since you admit to getting your message from the progressive channels.