This is the latest right wing conspiracy by Trump

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Well I did tell you folks that the longer old Bozo brain stays in office, the worst it will get.
At his latest rally in SC or wherever he gets invited to spread his lies.
Trump has declared that this Coronavirus is a HOAX.....yep you’ve got that right.
It’s a hoax created by none other than the Democrats.
Wow....what a revelation. Of course it’s BS.
That the Dems are that smart to create this latest bunch of horse hockey spewed by this deadbeat clueless dictator.
Of course he hasn’t got any proof...oh no that’s going to be a bit of a stretch.
But as usual Trump has to blame somebody. He makes stuff up as he goes along. Are people that dumb to believe this clown.
He NEVER. Takes responsibility for his outright incompetence and now he’s gagged many Medical experts who wish to share important information.

He’s scared to death that this pandemic will put a dent in his re-election. I don’t think anyone should care about that right now. Even if he does.
We are all vulnerable to this virus. Especially the elderly.
We expect the Govt to reassure us and give us the information we need and fast.
Trump and his sidekick Pence have FAILED in every way. Your fearless leader is a weak suck, insecure and a control freak. He couldn’t organize a booze up in a brewery.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well I did tell you folks that the longer old Bozo brain stays in office, the worst it will get.
At his latest rally in SC or wherever he gets invited to spread his lies.
Trump has declared that this Coronavirus is a HOAX.....yep you’ve got that right.
It’s a hoax created by none other than the Democrats.
Wow....what a revelation. Of course it’s BS.
That the Dems are that smart to create this latest bunch of horse hockey spewed by this deadbeat clueless dictator.
Of course he hasn’t got any proof...oh no that’s going to be a bit of a stretch.
But as usual Trump has to blame somebody. He makes stuff up as he goes along. Are people that dumb to believe this clown.
He NEVER. Takes responsibility for his outright incompetence and now he’s gagged many Medical experts who wish to share important information.

He’s scared to death that this pandemic will put a dent in his re-election. I don’t think anyone should care about that right now. Even if he does.
We are all vulnerable to this virus. Especially the elderly.
We expect the Govt to reassure us and give us the information we need and fast.
Trump and his sidekick Pence have FAILED in every way. Your fearless leader is a weak suck, insecure and a control freak. He couldn’t organize a booze up in a brewery.
Pathetic Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

if yous say so
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I told you: invest in body bag manufacturing.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
if yous say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that was an afterthought wasn't it....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
that was an afterthought wasn't it.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm


Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

thank you valued poster!
matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

spank yous valueless poser!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So 48 hours after the New York Times declares this to be the Trump virus you're saying that a joke by the president is indicative of what exactly? Remember, the NYT has already started the hoax and backed up by Buttigieg and Warren.

But seriously, you can't understand English? Trump didn't say the Corona virus was a hoax. That was a lie on your part. What he did call a hoax was all the tooth gnashing and chest thumping by democrats over the disease. They scream that Trump doesn't want to spend enough...they control the purse. They can just as easily authorize 8.5 Billion rather than 2.5 Billion.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Seems more like a left-wing conspiracy to me.

Please try to think beyond the headlines that try to blame the President for every fucking thing. It was the damned dems that paralyzed Congress for the whole month of January for their stupid impeachment hoax instead of working on legislation that could have dealt with this debacle. Including funding. Porous borders allow entry of viruses, illegal substances, human trafficking, among a host of other undesirables. While Congress was sitting on their asses in January the President took decisive action to limit travel to and from Covid-19 affected areas and got called a racist xenophobe for doing it. It's time to put the blame where it rightfully belongs: The dictator of China!

It is a sad shame that the demoncRATS have to rely on a world wide catastrophe for their election hopes. It's their last chance so they're taking it. Now, that's pathetic!
Well I did tell you folks that the longer old Bozo brain stays in office, the worst it will get.
At his latest rally in SC or wherever he gets invited to spread his lies.
Trump has declared that this Coronavirus is a HOAX.....yep you’ve got that right.
It’s a hoax created by none other than the Democrats.
Wow....what a revelation. Of course it’s BS.
That the Dems are that smart to create this latest bunch of horse hockey spewed by this deadbeat clueless dictator.
Of course he hasn’t got any proof...oh no that’s going to be a bit of a stretch.
But as usual Trump has to blame somebody. He makes stuff up as he goes along. Are people that dumb to believe this clown.
He NEVER. Takes responsibility for his outright incompetence and now he’s gagged many Medical experts who wish to share important information.

He’s scared to death that this pandemic will put a dent in his re-election. I don’t think anyone should care about that right now. Even if he does.
We are all vulnerable to this virus. Especially the elderly.
We expect the Govt to reassure us and give us the information we need and fast.
Trump and his sidekick Pence have FAILED in every way. Your fearless leader is a weak suck, insecure and a control freak. He couldn’t organize a booze up in a brewery.
Pathetic Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Some Democrats hope this will tank the economy, kill a bunch of people, and cost Trump the election.

It actually has a shot at being the cause of his demise - no one can say just yet.

They will not be happy unless Trump is removed no matter the cost.
  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 07:52 AM
as Biden said - 150 million deaths - any cost is fine to the Fascist DPST's if they remove Trump.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Why is everything a conspiracy to some people predictably irrational
  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 09:15 AM
Trump - when asking for 2.5 billion $ for coronavirus - opened the door for th Fascist DPST's - and did them a favor.

It is a hell of a lot of money - and agreed with by tony Fauci and the medical professionals. so - the Fascist DPST's now have the opportunity to appropriate more more money if more is needed.

What is a fascist DPST's favorite activity - after lying about/impeaching Trump - appropriating money , of course.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The loyalist aren’t concerned, the fat lying bastard insinuated there’s a miracle coming.

Fuck that! I’m taking precautions