ECCIE super slooow lately

1ThickBlond's Avatar
Is it just me or has the site been running super slooooow the past few days?
bc7274's Avatar
same here.
Yes it's slow. I thought it was just me
Thought it was my hotel's service. Just checked in and got online and extremely slow.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-01-2014, 10:11 PM
I noticed the slowness on Sunday (11/30).

Today it has been back to its speedy self.
BangOver's Avatar
The site had this problem once before. It looks like they have an advertiser that is holding up the page loads. If the ad isn't fully resolved, then it makes the site pages sluggish.

HarleyRider96's Avatar
still painfully sloooooooooo................
NSA hearts and minds program. Trying to demoralize us lol
Wow, I thought it was just me or Chrome.
dynamitekid's Avatar
Awful. Switching to the mobile version helps sometimes.