The usual trolls will make their offhand snarky remarks however, I suspect that the handful of genuine thinkers in this board will get some deeper insights.
Rather long but, has some valid observations into the culture war aspects of the conflict in Ukraine.
The usual trolls will make their offhand snarky remarks however, I suspect that the handful of genuine thinkers in this board will get some deeper insights.
Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
I get the eye-rolling.
so which are you? pridefully gay or gayly prideful?
bahahahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
These public events have the irresistible tang of the actual, and around them O’Toole—who has had a substantial career as a journalist, a political commentator, and a drama critic—beautifully tells the private story of his childhood and youth. But because the events really happened, because they are part of Ireland’s shameful, sometimes surreal postwar history, they also have the brutishly obstructive quality of fact, often to be pushed against, fought with, triumphed over, or, in O’Toole’s preferred mode of engagement, analyzed into whimpering submission. His great gift is his extremely intelligent, mortally relentless critical examination, and here he studies nothing less than the past and the present of his own nation. James Joyce’s Stephen Dedalus promised to forge in the smithy of his soul the uncreated conscience of his race; less Parnassian than Dedalus but just as angry as Joyce, O’Toole tells the story of how his race, at last breaking the fetters of religion and superstition, created its own conscience.
Also: religion, violence, and identity. Was Ireland just a curious, dusty little annex of the Catholic Church—its national vestry, essentially—or a modern nation willing to join a large, technocratic, increasingly secular political bloc, whose laws and mores were bound to conflict with Irish bans on abortion, divorce, and contraception? In a state that fused Catholic identity and republican nationalism, would sectarian political violence—violence done in the name of Catholics against the Protestants of Northern Ireland, and in the service of the “unfinished” Irish revolution of 1916—bind Catholicism and Irishness ever more intensely together or pull these identities apart?
Politically, change was also under way. In 1990, Mary Robinson was elected President, after a brutal campaign that exposed the nation’s religiose misogyny. A Fianna Fáil parliamentarian asked at a rally if Robinson was going to set up an abortion-referral clinic in the Presidential residence; Prime Minister Haughey, the Fianna Fáil leader, claimed that Robinson was just fronting for a “Marxist-Leninist Communist Party”; and a government minister, Pádraig Flynn, accused her of faking “a newfound interest in the family,” and wondered aloud about her bona fides as a mother and a wife.
In J. F. Powers’s novel “Morte D’Urban,” a priest named Father Urban is put under moral pressure when a woman undresses in front of him. He averts his eyes, and keeps them averted. “It was like tearing up telephone directories, the hardest part was getting started,” Powers jokes. Change in postwar Ireland was a bit like that, except in moral reverse.
The rise of Gay and Lesbian Studies in the early eighties was preceded and accompanied by a rising interest in what was basically seen as gay and lesbian history, i.e. the way in which people could express same-sex behaviour and feelings in history. Homosexuality in history was seen as a history of changing attitudes to an unchanging type of behaviour. Books such as 'Homosexuals in History'(Rowse 1977), 'Homoseksualiteit in middeleeuws Europa' (Homosexuality in medieval western Europe) (Kuster 1977) bear witness to this attitude. Concurrently the idea was developed that - just as in Gay and Lesbian Studies as a whole - there had been a conspiracy to make gays and lesbians in the past invisible only to wait for the kiss of the gay or lesbian historian to bring them back to life. This was true for the first amateur historians of the reform movements of the fifties, who wrote short biographies of 'famous homosexuals in history' to give the reform movement legitimation because people such as Plato and Shakespeare could not have been *that* wrong or morally depraved.
Well over fifteen years after his death Foucault is finally making some imprint on mainstream history, although this is mostly on studies that deal with the history of culture of literary history. Within the postmodern paradigm recognition has been gained that identity is diverse and that it is constituted not in a uniform process, but is subject to class, gender and ethnic difference.
The Dutch culture historian Frijhoff recently summed up the change in perspective initiated in the study of 'love' (as this was called) as a language of culture and forms rather than something fit for anecdote. Sex has now become a fully fledged object of cultural history. The historization of gender and the body and the introduction in history of concepts such as honour and friendship can fully be put on the account of new studies starting out from gay and lesbian studies, although Frijhoff forgot to mention this last attribution (Frijhoff 1998). We can add to that new methodological inroads such as the introduction of the historization of mentalities - in particular the historicity of the psyche - and the creative use of new types of sources in history, such as oral history, which although in itself not a lesbian and gay studies 'invention' has been widely used (Vacha 1985, Marcus 1995, Cant & Hemmings 1988, Kokula 1986, Newton 1994).
Originally Posted by Angry Chimp Hummer
Rather long but, has some valid observations into the culture war aspects of the conflict in Ukraine.War & Culture War: Patriarch Kyrill & LGBT
The usual trolls will make their offhand snarky remarks however, I suspect that the handful of genuine thinkers in this board will get some deeper insights.
https://www.theamericanconservative....ussia-ukraine/ Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
For eight years there have been attempts to destroy what exists in the Donbass. And in the Donbass there is rejection, a fundamental rejection of the so-called values that are offered today by those who claim world power. Today there is such a test for the loyalty of this government, a kind of pass to that “happy” world, the world of excess consumption, the world of visible “freedom”. Do you know what this test is? The test is very simple and at the same time terrible – this is a gay parade. The demands on many to hold a gay parade are a test of loyalty to that very powerful world; and we know that if people or countries reject these demands, then they do not enter into that world, they become strangers to it.I get the eye-rolling. With Ukrainian cities under Russian bombardment, families being killed, a million people on the move to escape Russian guns, and on and on, the supreme spiritual leader of Russia uses his platform on Forgiveness Sunday, which begins Let, to characterize Putin’s war as a fight against the gays?! Seriously, he said that? On Forgiveness Sunday?! He did. I think the most charitable thing that can be said about these remarks is that they are not helpful to ending the war, or even to explaining it. What I initially said was far from charitable, even though I’m sure the Patriarch and I are more or less in the same place about homosexuality (meaning that I believe what Scripture and the Orthodox Church teach about it).
But we know what this sin is, which is promoted through the so-called marches of dignity. This is a sin that is condemned by the Word of God – both the Old and the New Testament. Moreover, the Lord, condemning sin, does not condemn the sinner. He only calls him to repentance, but not to ensure that through a sinful person and his behavior, sin becomes a life standard, a variation of human behavior – respected and acceptable.
If humanity recognizes that sin is not a violation of God’s law, if humanity agrees that sin is one of the options for human behavior, then human civilization will end there. And gay parades are designed to demonstrate that sin is one of the variations of human behavior. That is why in order to enter the club of those countries, it is necessary to hold a gay pride parade. Not to make a political statement “we are with you”, not to sign any agreements, but to hold a gay parade. And we know how people resist these demands and how this resistance is suppressed by force. This means that we are talking about imposing by force a sin condemned by God’s law, and therefore, by force to impose on people the denial of God and His truth.
Therefore, what is happening today in the sphere of international relations has not only political significance. We are talking about something different and much more important than politics. We are talking about human salvation, about where humanity will end up, on which side of God the Savior, who comes into the world as the Judge and Creator, on the right or on the left. Today, out of weakness, stupidity, ignorance, and most often out of unwillingness to resist, many go there, to the left side. And all that is connected with the justification of sin, condemned by the Bible, is today a test for our faithfulness to the Lord, for our ability to confess faith in our Savior.
Everything that I say has not just some theoretical meaning and not only a spiritual meaning. Around this topic today there is a real war. Who is attacking Ukraine today, where the suppression and extermination of people in the Donbass has been going on for eight years; eight years of suffering and the whole world is silent – what does that mean? But we know that our brothers and sisters are really suffering; moreover, they may suffer for their loyalty to the Church. And so today, on Forgiveness Sunday, on the one hand, as your shepherd, I call on everyone to forgive sins and insults, including where it is very difficult to do this, where people are at war with each other. But forgiveness without justice is capitulation and weakness. Therefore, forgiveness must be accompanied by the indispensable preservation of the right to stand on the side of the world, on the side of God’s truth, on the side of the Divine commandments, on the side of that
All of the above indicates that we have entered into a struggle that has not a physical, but a metaphysical significance.
The ROC’s [Russian Orthodox Church’s] condemnation of recent Western LGBT practices, including gay pride parades, an objection which Western post-moderns have difficulty understanding, is hardly new. As Top Secret Umbra has observed, our “elites, all of whom fall on the spectrum of Western Educated Industrialized Rich and Democratic, WEIRD for short, Putin represents an atavism whose motivations they cannot understand.”Neither are prominent Putinists shy about denouncing Western LGBT practices as Satanic or connecting it to Ukraine with claims that Russia’s war against that country is fundamentally about resisting America’s “Global F*ggot Empire.”We see here, then, an example of a sociopolitical phenomenon I defined not long ago like this:
One of the ironies here is that, per regular opinion polling, Ukrainians are less open-minded than Westerners about gay matters, indeed their views are closer those found in Russia than among WEIRDs. Moreover, we must confront the difficult truth that Moscow’s obsession with Ukraine and the LGBT issue isn’t simply a figment of Kirill’s overactive imagination. Before its recent closure due to the war, the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv regularly promoted LGBT issues and gay pride events; in 2018, the State Department contingent in Kyiv’s gay pride parade was led by Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch herself; and U.S. Government outlets frequently played up the involvement of official American representatives and entities in LGBT parades and events in Ukraine. However we may feel about the Moscow Patriarchate’s immoderate take on gay pride parades, we have to concede that, unlike “Ukrainian Nazi juntas committing genocide,” they’re not simply making this one up.
It’s an article of faith in the Kremlin that the creation of the OCU is an American project designed to destroy world Orthodoxy and harm Russia. It’s painful for me to state this but the Russians have good reason to think this. Unlike absurd Kremlin propaganda lines about “Ukrainian Nazis” perpetrating “genocide” against Russians, the idea that Washington wanted the split of Orthodoxy in Ukraine is a reasonable inference upon examination of recent U.S. Government conduct. What’s the evidence?Even though I am an Orthodox Christian, my church is not Russian, and I also try to keep my distance from intra-Orthodox disputation, for the sake of not being drawn into them. I was pained over the Ukrainian schism, and quite annoyed with the Ecumenical Patriarch for getting involved (his rivalry with Patriarch Kyrill is well known), but I had no idea that the US Government played such a role. (John Schindler, by the way, teaches at the US Naval War College, so he’s not an Internet rando making this claim.) This infuriates me! Typical American meddling, only seeing religion in political terms, pushing ahead heedless of the damage this does to a thousand year old church.
Our Kyiv embassy congratulated the OCU for its birth and the selection of its first primate, then the State Department in Washington amplified the same. Celebrating Constantinople’s grant of autocephaly, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hailed it as a “historic achievement for Ukraine” which represented America’s “strong support for religious freedom.” Pompeo’s statement left no doubt about America’s backing the OCU against the UOC. Pompeo’s position in the worldwide Orthodox schism was made clear by his subsequent meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch, whom the Secretary of State hailed as “a key partner as we continue to champion religious freedom around the globe.” Neither was this a partisan project, since the position of the Biden administration on this issue is identical to its predecessor’s. Four months ago, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also met with the Ecumenical Patriarch, reaffirming U.S. commitment to religious freedom, which in Moscow unsurprisingly looked like support for the OCU.
Since very few Americans, and functionally no non-Orthodox ones, noticed any of this, it’s worth asking why the State Department felt compelled to take a public position on any of this. Does Foggy Bottom side with Sunni or Shia? What about Lutheranism versus Methodism? Who in Washington thought it was a good idea to throw its weight behind the OCU, since anybody who knew anything about Putinism and its religious-civilizational mission had to be aware that such statements were guaranteed to raise Moscow’s ire.
That ire has now taken the form of air strikes, missile barrages, and advancing tank battalions. Just last month, Lavrov restated his government’s position that the United States stands behind the “current crisis in Orthodoxy.” As he explained without any word-mincing, Washington caused “the most serious dispute in the entire Orthodox world,” adding, “The United States of America had an immediate hand in the current crisis in Orthodoxy. They created a special mechanism, a special agency for the freedom of religious confession, which actually is not dealing with freedom but most actively set up and financed Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew so that he conducted a device for schism, particularly in Ukraine, in the first place, for creating there the schismatic, uncanonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine.”
We should not indulge Muscovite conspiracy theories nor countenance Russian aggression. However, the facts are plain enough. Simply put, by recognizing the OCU and hailing its creation, Washington changed the Kremlin’s game in Ukraine, making Putin’s long-term plans for his neighbor untenable. Without a united Orthodox Church across the former lands of Rus, answering to Moscow, the “Russian World” concept falls apart. Every secular geostrategic challenge cited as a reason for Putin’s aggression – NATO expansion, Western military moves, oil and gas politics – existed in 2014, yet Putin then chose to limit his attacks on Ukraine to Crimea and the Southeast. What’s changed since then that makes his effort to subdue all Ukraine seem like a good idea in the Kremlin? The creation of an autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine in 2019, with official American backing, is the difference, and Moscow believes this was all a nefarious U.S. plot to divide world Orthodoxy at Russia’s expense. Clearly Putin has decided that reclaiming Ukraine and its capital, “the mother of Russian cities,” for Russian Orthodoxy is worth a major war. Make no mistake, this is a religious war, even if almost nobody in the West realizes it.’s from the public school system in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Here’s a story about it. Excerpts:
HOLY SHIT. A slide from @ecasdsuper
staff training instructs teachers that “parents are not entitled to know their kids’ (gender) identities and it must be “earned.”
They are hiding information about sexual orientation and gender and teaching students not to trust their parents.
1:37 PM · Mar 7, 2022·Twitter for iPhone
A district court in 2020 issued a partial injunction against Madison Metropolitan School District’s policy allowing children of any age to transition to a different gender identity at school — without parental consent. The full case is now before the Wisconsin Supreme Court.This is their mantra: equitable, safe, inclusive, diverse. These are the words these groomer teachers and school administrators use to justify their policy of separating children from parents, and encourage children to think of themselves as of the opposite sex, or “non-binary,” or whatever. This is the language they use to anesthetize parents and others about what they’re actually doing. This is happening all over.
The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed the lawsuit on behalf of a group of parents challenging the gender identity policy “that violates the rights of parents to make important healthcare decisions on their children’s behalf.”
The policy includes the following provisions:
It’s not clear whether the Eau Claire Area School District has a similar policy beyond its teacher personal development training.
- Children of any age can transition to a different gender identity at school, by changing their name and pronouns, without parental notice or consent.
- District employees are prohibited from notifying parents, without the child’s consent, that their child has or wants to change gender identity at school, or that their child may be dealing with gender dysphoria.
- District employees are even instructed to deceive parents by using the child’s legal name and pronouns with family, while using the different name and pronouns adopted by the child in the school setting.
The school board candidates are demanding school district administrators issue an apology to teachers for “placing them at odds with families and also to parents and guardians for breaking the trust and partnership that is critical for thriving students and a stellar school district.”
An apology doesn’t appear to be forthcoming.
ECASD Superintendent Michael Johnson issued a statement to Empower Wisconsin asserting the district is upholding its responsibility to maintain an educational environment that is “equitable, safe and inclusive for all students.” thread about the same thing is more detailed:
Left-wing activists are organizing "sex ed summer camps" for 8-year-olds in Indiana. (via @TheTonus)
2:25 PM · Mar 7, 2022·Twitter Web App read it — the educator says she will talk to these little kids about trans issues, about condoms, about porn, all kinds of things. Who is part of her online groomer group?
An entire summer camp devoted to Sex Education for 10-12 year olds. Indianapolis is having an absolutely normal one.
10:20 AM · Mar 7, 2022·Twitter Web App United States is a country now where biological men can declare themselves to be women, and become the No. 1 women’s collegiate swimmer in America. Again, this is morally insane. And if you object to any of this, you risk cancellation. J.K. Rowling is one of the most influential writers who ever lived, but when she — a left-wing feminist — spoke out against the effects the trans rights movement was having on women’s rights, she was monstered by the media and activists. That is how utterly fanatical these people are. And I remind you of what our president said during his campaign:
UPDATE: Other notable members of her public "Let's Talk About Sex Ed with Ms. Ashley" Facebook group include Indiana public school elementary teachers, a Senior engineer at PBS, and a program manager at the Indiana Arts Commission.
11:56 AM · Mar 7, 2022·Twitter Web App
My name is Helena, and as of this writing I’m a 23-year-old woman who, as a teenager, believed I was transgender. In the years since detransitioning (stopping testosterone treatment and no longer seeing myself as transgender), I’ve become interested in exploring why, in the last decade, nearly every English-speaking country has seen a meteoric rise in adolescents believing they are transgender and pursuing cosmetic medical and surgical interventions. Here, I’d like to go over how and why I came to see myself as transgender, the process of transitioning, and the events leading up to and following my detransition.Seriously, read it all. You get to the end, and you may well conclude that the old Russian Orthodox patriarch in Moscow understands what’s happening in the West today better than 99 percent of the media commentators. I deeply regret that he tied this analysis to Putin’s war on Ukraine … but that does not make him wrong about the clash of civilizations in general. The United States, as the leading Western power, routinely flies the rainbow flag over its embassies abroad, most infamously over the Kabul embassy only a couple of months before the whole thing had to be abandoned before the Taliban triumphed. Last year, for the first time, the British spy agency MI6 proudly flew the transgender flag over its headquarters.
The short version of my detransition story for those who want the bare details is that when I was fifteen, I was introduced to gender ideology on Tumblr and began to call myself nonbinary. Over the next few years, I would continue to go deeper and deeper down the trans identity rabbit hole, and by the time I was eighteen, I saw myself as a “trans man”, otherwise known as “FtM”. Shortly after my eighteenth birthday, I made an appointment at a Planned Parenthood to begin a testosterone regimen. At my first appointment, I was prescribed testosterone, and I would remain on this regimen for a year and a half. It had an extremely negative effect on my mental health, and I finally admitted what a disaster it had been when I was 19, sometime around February or March 2018. When the disillusionment fully set in, I stopped the testosterone treatment and began the process of getting my life back on track. It has not been easy, and the whole experience seriously derailed my life in ways I could never have foreseen when I was that fifteen-year-old kid playing with pronouns on Tumblr.
But what leads a girl with no history of discomfort with stereotypical “girl” toys and clothes, or even the slightest desire to be a boy in childhood, to want to be a “man” through hormonal injections as she approached adulthood? In a vacuum, such a profound confusion leading to such drastic measures sounds like it should be rare and a sign of some sort of severe mental disturbance. Was I a fluke? Was I some kind of idiot who mistakenly believed I was trans because I’m crazy or just downright irresponsible?
The truth is that there has been an extreme rise in adolescents, especially girls, believing they are transgender. UK NHS referral data shows a 4000% increase in pediatric gender service referrals (not a typo). So-called “gender dysphoria”, which was once a very rare diagnosis that described mostly prepubescent boys and adult men, is now most commonly diagnosed in teenage girls. Activists will argue that these explosive numbers are a result of increased societal acceptance, and that at long last trans people are coming out of hiding and living as their authentic selves. If this were true, one might expect to see comparable rates of transgender identity across all age groups and between both sexes, but its disproportionately adolescent females feeling that warm and fuzzy inclusive acceptance. Considering “acceptance” now implies supraphysiological doses of cross sex hormones and having healthy body organs surgically rearranged, it’s worth a deeper look into what kinds of factors are driving this population clamoring to go under the knife.
The demands on many to hold a gay parade are a test of loyalty to that very powerful world; and we know that if people or countries reject these demands, then they do not enter into that world, they become strangers to it.He’s right about that. You cannot be part of the West, or a real friend to the West, if you don’t accept this ideology. Unless of course you are China, and you are too rich and powerful for the West to push around. If you consider yourself pro-LGBT, I urge you to do the non-WEIRD thing, just as a thought experiment, and step outside of your head to try to see how the West’s behavior and priorities look to people who don’t believe that sexual autonomy and expression is the most important measure of human freedom in the world. I don’t expect that most of you will, seeing as how you refuse to do that when considering your own countrymen. But then, you are not at risk of finding yourselves in a shooting war with your own countrymen if you fail to understand what motivates them. Russia is another story.
LGBT issues and the formation of the OCU are perhaps not unconnected. Consider the time, in 2018, that a Russian called Epiphany, pretending to be an EU parliament member, and pressed him to change Orthodox teachings on LGBT. Said the caller, as reported by OrthoChristian:about the author“I know that the Church has a conservative position, and if the new church will soften its position regarding the LGBT community, the gays of Ukraine, and it will take liberal values, it will be a great stimulus to develop European values. We spoke with Secretary Pompeo and he agrees that you should the increase your LGBT and gay values in the future,” the callers responded.The OCU acknowledged that the call took place but claimed he said nothing untoward. Rather (per Google Translate), “Metropolitan Epiphanius expressed the same views as in all public speeches…. The Church adheres to the biblical position, defining same-sex relationships as a sin, and this view is shared by the majority of Ukrainian society.” Interestingly, the statement adds, “It is known from experience that without receiving any favorable answers during the conversation, the provocateurs edit the record, composing individual words and phrases. Therefore, in the event that quality fragments of the conversation appear in the media, the audience should take into account the above and do not trust them.”
The new Ukrainian primate replied that the church needs to work on the Ukrainian people to adopt European values: “This is a difficult issue that we should not raise at the beginning of our journey, because, you know how Ukrainian society perceives this question. Now we need to work on it, so Ukrainian society would accept it. It’s a long path. Of course we will discuss and seek for answers to these complex questions.”
Protesting too much? Regrettably, the audio evidence linked to in the article has been removed from YouTube, and perhaps the recording itself was faked.
But, I mean—would this be surprising? And in any event, of course, it shows what Russians—who, I think, fund OrthoChristian—are supposing about all this.