Sweet jolene

Has anybody have had any luck contacting her lately? Been trying to reach her for a month know and nothing. Kinda worried about her?
I saw her a couple months ago. I got a delayed email back about a month ago, but my schedule didn't jibe. I just tried two emails (proton and yahoo), but both bounced.
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she’s back 👍
Sweetjolenesf@protonmail.com worked for me a few days ago. Was lucky to get in for 90 minutes! She said she was just away from the office for a while.
Connected! Set a date.
Sent her an email on the 22nd and have had no response. Is there a secret pass phrase lol? Maybe she’s out of town for the holiday. Hope I didn’t miss out for good.
She's a hit or miss type of gal. Sometimes I get to see her and sometimes I don't but that's my overall experience with her.
Has anyone seen her lately? Sent her an email and nothing yet!