Am I Homophobic?

Wetwork Daddy's Avatar

I know Skyline is crappy movie that should never be watched unless you are playing a drinking game about bad science fiction, but I have been reading that this movie took a lot of flack over the peeping-tom-party-scene:

There are a bunch of people in a lavish LA Penthouse at a party and they have a plasma screen hooked up to a digital telescope. They are spying on the people in the other high rise condos and making a drinking game based on the activities they spy on. At one point they land on a guy getting a blow job. The crowd gets rowdy and raunchy cheering the blow job on. All you can see is a blurred head bobbing up and down in a man's lap and the huge smile he has on his face as he get's the blow job.

The action continues and the crowd chants: "SWALLOW! SWALLOW!"

Then the action is over and the man lies back and his partner that had been hidden lifts up and wipes HIS chin. That's right, buzz kill. The party crowd groans in disgust and makes a few off color jokes.

I found the scene pretty funny and could imagine the reaction of people I know being about the same: horny and raunchy at the suggestion, horrified at the reality.

So am I homophobic for laughing my ass off at this scene?