Dothan providers

Any local Dothan provider feedback?
The town is full of scammers, total waste of time
dreamybrooke's Avatar
I'm out here . If you need a good one if you have messaged my phone before and I ignored you ...sorry it's crazy how many texts I get
Still in Dothan Brooke?
I don't think she is active anymore, I reached out to her last year and she flaked on meeting and I have not seen her post again since.
I don't think she is active anymore, I reached out to her last year and she flaked on meeting and I have not seen her post again since. Originally Posted by LONGBOWSVT
... She may be a flake, but she had an ECCIE review last month and also active on P411 so don't think she is retired.
biomed1's Avatar
Post Number Six in the Review thread from 2 February states that the Lady has retired.

True or Not, don't know, would have to ask the Lady or the Reviewer.
dreamybrooke's Avatar
sorry haven't been working out here anymore.