Pandora Radio and Android Phones

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Although I have heard about Pandora Radio for awhile it was only until this weekend when I was being held hostage (not really) by a client who told me that I just HAD to listen to Hotel California on his Android phone that I decided one, I wanted an android phone. Two, Pandora Radio is great. Three, the client ... well, he likes the Eagles and that's one point in his favor.

My personal "Steely Dan" radio station is just great. I could listen to it all day. I'm still not sure HOW this radio station is programmed but it's neat. Anyone else love it?

Also, most of the people that I know swear by the apple iphone. I just read, somewhere-someplace, that the android phones are fantastic. I've been with the Devil's spawn called Sprint forever and although I'm always looking for ways to get out of bed with Sprint, they offer this phone called I don't know, too lazy to look it up, but it has 4 of those units of memory.

Please excuse the rattling and if any of you could share your personal opinions about this android type of service, I would appreciate it. The phone plan isn't terribly more expensive then what I have ... but I'm tired of constantly trying to figure this crap out.

If someone could just elucidate this phone arena for me, my fuzzy brain would appreciate it!


P.S. Looked up the name of the phone: Evo. And there are a few others. The Evo looks nice and has a lot of bells and whistles, or so it seems.
sixxbach's Avatar
I have Tmobile 3G slide and i love it. it has the andriod operating system. I love pandora radio. great for when im at the gym
I have Pandora on my iphone and love it. I bought a Bose Sound dock as soon as I discovered Pandora. Now I need to figure out how to get my iphone to play through my car speakers.
Pandora is great and you should be able to get it on pretty much any smartphone, you might want to also check out Slacker Radio.

None of the smartphones are actually better than others, we all have different needs so no single phone would be right for everyone. Personally I am a fan of webOS but figure HP is likely to screw it up. However, the EVO is the most advanced phone out at the moment. I think by 4 memory units you might be referring to the fact that it is a 4G phone which is the network it runs on, I am pretty sure it comes with an 8 GB MicroSD card but it is upgradeable. Google will bring some innovatite stuff to the table with Android.
I have Pandora on my iphone and love it. I bought a Bose Sound dock as soon as I discovered Pandora. Now I need to figure out how to get my iphone to play through my car speakers. Originally Posted by Ansley
If your car as an Auxilary port you can just use a 3.5mm cable, if it does not the easiest thing would be to get an FM transmitter which is probably $5-10 on ebay or $30-60 at a local store.
If your car as an Auxilary port you can just use a 3.5mm cable, if it does not the easiest thing would be to get an FM transmitter which is probably $5-10 on ebay or $30-60 at a local store. Originally Posted by randomuser
Thanks randomuser. I am up way past my bed time. In the morning I will google the things that you mentioned.
If your car as an Auxilary port you can just use a 3.5mm cable, if it does not the easiest thing would be to get an FM transmitter which is probably $5-10 on ebay or $30-60 at a local store. Originally Posted by randomuser
OK, I was going to say the same thing. Did a trip just today and plugged my ipod into the input jack, set the radio on "aux" and had it off my ipod. If you don't have that, the FM transmitter is a possibility, or, OTOH, go to Best Buy or an audio store and upgrade the radio and speaker systems in your car.
Two, Pandora Radio is great. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Some ladies I have seen have their own playlists all set up. Starts the music at the beginning of the session, and when it gets to a certain song, she knows there are about x number of minutes left. Then the music stops to end the session.

IMHO, a lot better than constantly looking at the clock and not nearly as offensive.

All you'd need is a portable speaker for the android, or whatever.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have Pandora on my iphone and love it. I bought a Bose Sound dock as soon as I discovered Pandora. Now I need to figure out how to get my iphone to play through my car speakers. Originally Posted by Ansley
Yesterday, I was in and out of the house a lot and I noticed that Pandora's Radio which just stop and ask, "Are you still listening"? Did you buy the subscription?

I'm thinking of just doing that. Guess I need to think of a docking station as well if I get a fancy smancy phone!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Some ladies I have seen have their own playlists all set up. Starts the music at the beginning of the session, and when it gets to a certain song, she knows there are about x number of minutes left. Then the music stops to end the session.

IMHO, a lot better than constantly looking at the clock and not nearly as offensive.

All you'd need is a portable speaker for the android, or whatever. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I used to have a roomie who used a particular CD and when it was on the next to the last song, it was time for clean-up. Although it's such a great idea, and thanks for the playlist suggestion (I'll do that), I always thought having an egg-timer in the forum of music was kindof a turn-off. For me anyway.

But I've never follow those time guidelines very well.

Thanks for the suggestion!
I'm thinking of just doing that. Guess I need to think of a docking station as well if I get a fancy smancy phone! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

If you ended up with an iPhone I would check out the JBL Radial or if you wanted something smaller the JBL On Stage Micro. I have used no less than 20-30 different docking stations and for the price they easily have the best sound. Even if you had another phone, some of those might be worth checking out and you can just use the Auxilary jack.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Thanks randomuser. I am up way past my bed time. In the morning I will google the things that you mentioned. Originally Posted by Ansley
The port might be just to the left of your 8-Track.
Yesterday, I was in and out of the house a lot and I noticed that Pandora's Radio which just stop and ask, "Are you still listening"? Did you buy the subscription?

I'm thinking of just doing that. Guess I need to think of a docking station as well if I get a fancy smancy phone! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I haven't paid any money for Pandora. I get a short commercial every now and then, but nothing that asks, "Are you still listening"? Before choosing your phone make sure to find out what sound docks are compatible with it.
The port might be just to the left of your 8-Track. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Ha ha aren't you the funny one. I'll have you know that I haven't had an 8-Track since I got rid of my Pacer a few years ago.
Personally, I enjoy the Red Hot Chili Peppers Station that Pandora creates.

For times where a sexy, sensual, soft, candle lit mood is required, I enjoy the Norah Jones Station.

Now, when I have a hot date, the kind where sparks are flying as soon as our eyes meet, I have Pandora create a station based on Christina Agulara's "Nasty Naughty Boy."