HEADLINE :Expelled ! Colorado House Oust Lawmaker For Sex Harassment
Members of the Colorado House voted 52-9 to expel Rep. Steve Lebsock for sexual harassment claims
DENVER CO. Described as " emotional and look{ing} tired and skinny in his baggy suit," Rep. Steve Lebsock a Dumbascrap

The hearing lasted more than seven hours and not a single person testified on Lebsocks behalf, Colorado Politics reported.
Lebsock was accused Nov. 10 by nine legislators,staffers and lobbyist of inappropriate sexual behavior in a report by Bente Kirkland of KUNC. Three of those women came forward publicly, including Lebsock's colleague State Rep. Faith Winters. Winters, a lobbyist and legislative aid filed official complaints with the ( others did not speak openly for fear of retaliation.) sic-from original story
State Rep. Faith Winters ( D-Westminster ) alleged that Webstock drunkenly tied to get her to go home with him, in 2016 front of another male colleague. (sic)
Legislative aid Cassie Tanner alleged Lebsock unbuttoned her blouse at a fundraiser and made lewd comments about her breasts and dress. Former lobbyist Holly Tarry said Lebsock made unwanted sexual advances more than once between 2013 and 2016.
Reckon that Cassie Tanner gal might have been wearing a bLEW(insky) dress ?

Guess the " I did NOT..." line didn't occur to him.