Truly dominant vs fake dominant behavior

Last laugh before I desert on ye... n leave ye w'no hope!

A goofy email I received... normally, I don't share this stuff openly being the insanely bordering on paranoia private person I am. But, this begs sharing

A man who refused to share his name and age, you know BASIC screening information... lol, proceeded to tell me how narcissistic, eccentric, gold digger I am ...probably because he couldn't afford my consideration.... then proceeded to make an explicit request ...of my mouth .. and undressing style

All the while claiming how he wishes to dominate me

Sigh. I feel like hitting these men with a frying pan .. freshly heated

Truly dominants are highly intelligent, generally successful men & women, confident ...and generous not to mention caring of their submissive

Being that I am one myself, I absolutely have the highest adoration of them .. submissive men ...or women
.it's a relationship based on mutual trust n respect

Not to be lightly taken. Or ABUSED

ABUSIVE IDIOTS / JERKS/ ASSHOLES do not fall into the real, bona-fide authentic category of dominant

If any truly lifestyle dominants would like to chime in and reiterate my point, please be my guest.


N please don't make me laugh for the wrong reasons

I reserve all my time for good, honest men