We need to be careful

I'm new to this site and am still learning how to use it. I've been looking up providers and reading their reviews and some of the comments posted. One thing I've noticed, is some of the people writing comments on reviews, use the real names of others writing comments. Seems like they all know each other. IS this something that happens or should these people be more descrete about naming each other?
Mojojo's Avatar
Some folks may know each other however i think your mostly reading handles which is not a problem here on fantasy land.
Just when they use names like "Ron ----" with a last name and other real names back and forth instead of their handles, seems risky to do that
Hope they dont do that with me. As if they know who I am, I hope not
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You cant fix stupid.
starflash's Avatar
Note to self: Quit using my real name ....John Smith......in posts...........
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-16-2012, 06:51 AM
Damn, this guy has more posts on "Staff Questions" than he does in the forums......I agree with 2Dogs.
utr_guy_in_houston's Avatar
I'm new to this site and am still learning how to use it. I've been looking up providers and reading their reviews and some of the comments posted. One thing I've noticed, is some of the people writing comments on reviews, use the real names of others writing comments. Seems like they all know each other. IS this something that happens or should these people be more descrete about naming each other? Originally Posted by flyinghi
Don't read too much into that, they aren't using real names I'm sure. I have a hobby phone, hobby email and a whole hobby identity complete with facebook page and "friends" . . . I give my "name" to UTR's I meet so that if they go batshit crazy in the future all they have is fake information about me and can't ruin my life.
boardman's Avatar
I thinck he must have read the review on dearhunter...
Hummm, some guy named Ron Wilso--- using the same handle
utr_guy_in_houston's Avatar
Hummm, some guy named Ron Wilso--- using the same handle Originally Posted by flyinghi
That's my old fake name . . . I've already moved on to a new fake name, number and email. lol
are you still in software?
utr_guy_in_houston's Avatar
are you still in software? Originally Posted by flyinghi
I refuse to answer on the grounds it might serve to identify me.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Uh, Bi*l Cli*ton.