All I Was Trying 2 Get Across Was The Value Of Having A Backup Provider

In my last topic which discussed how some good providers won't continue to do business with good clients, some people may have took things the wrong way. Well I'm not bout 2 defend myself because my territory is is located in the mountains above the clouds and internet losers looking for a troll flame war are at the bottom of the river where catfish feces flow. It will be just a waist of time for me to come down from the mountain and lower myself to the level of trolls just so I could explain myself

But I will explain myself to the good providers and clients who got good sense. My purpose of making this topic was not to express being hurt about a good provider that won't continue to do business with me and my purpose isn't to try to figure out why she won't give me another session. I'm just saying that just like in real life when u find a good girlfriend, it would be wise in some instances to have a backup girl because some females (as well as males so don't think I'm discriminating) can be bi-polar and walk out of yo life for no good reason; so as in relation to escorts, its the same scenario, a guy can find a good escort and something strange happens and she will leave u for no good reason, so therefore, just like a guy sometimes need to have a backup girl in case his main girlfriend strangely walks out of his life, a guy in the underworld of the escort life needs to keep a 2nd option instead of investing his hopes and feelings toward who only appears to be a good provider. Us guys who have discovered and accepted the underworld of escorts may have found women who will accept us (even though its fantasy, but hey thats better than nothing) but what we haven't ran away from is bi polar good girls who flip on u in the blink of an eye
There's something not right about you. But I'm glad you started another thread to make your point. Tip of the hat to you, sir.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
And you expect your post to help you find another "good" provider?
What do feel is wrong about me? I'm just gonna take a guess, u might have noticed thru my topics that I have an extreme dedication to helping good guys like myself be able to get a hold of what has been robbed from us in society, such as being able to get into a relationship. Because of the economic oppression in America caused by our greedy governments and corporations have made it where a lot of good guys can't get a free girlfriend so since escorts are the only alternative, I make sure I enlighten guys to the wirld of escorts because a lot of escorts can be predatory. Of course this all just my guess about why u think something wrong with me
And you expect your post to help you find another "good" provider? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I already got a good provider, I've been seeing the same private escort since last year in June. The incident that my last topic was talking about happened way back in 2011.
It is a historical fact that in tough economic times, women will go into this line of work to keep hearth and home together. However, you are describing the dreaded plan B scenario. No one, man or woman, wants to be thought of as a plan B option. Its not acceptable in this fantasy life or real life. In your first post, you came off as a white knight for hobbyists everywhere, in search of truth, justice, and honest ho's. Much like anything one does in life, whether its to find a relationship, a good provider, or meeting a life goal, you get out of it what you put into it.
No sarcasm, just an honest interpretation of what I read.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Why do you feel that society somehow owes you a good relationship? Shouldn't it be your own personal responsibility to become someone who is worthy of a good relationship?

Also, I applaud the "I'm too good to respond, so I'm going to make another thread" gambit. Very classic and old school.
It is a historical fact that in tough economic times, women will go into this line of work to keep hearth and home together. However, you are describing the dreaded plan B scenario. No one, man or woman, wants to be thought of as a plan B option. Its not acceptable in this fantasy life or real life. In your first post, you came off as a white knight for hobbyists everywhere, in search of truth, justice, and honest ho's. Much like anything one does in life, whether its to find a relationship, a good provider, or meeting a life goal, you get out of it what you put into it.
No sarcasm, just an honest interpretation of what I read. Originally Posted by Nicolet
Seems like sarcasm to me, u said I'm looking for honest ho's. I don't view every escort as a ho. And I don't mean to view some escorts as simply backup girls. I'm just using words likebackup and Plan B simply as terminology. I hate that life has to be this way, but its a known fact that having an alternative girl as another option has worked out well in several situations with guys and girls in the past, especially with my situations
Why do you feel that society somehow owes you a good relationship? Shouldn't it be your own personal responsibility to become someone who is worthy of a good relationship?

Also, I applaud the "I'm too good to respond, so I'm going to make another thread" gambit. Very classic and old school. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
You're trying to psychologically brainwash me into thinking that I'm some complainer who just complains constantly about life's problems. I can prove this because u made a false claim about me saying that I feel that society owes me a good relationship with a free girl when that isn't what I said. I was just saying that economic oprression caused by greedy governments and corporations have made it hard for good guys to find girlfriends because with a bad economy, u have a very low chance of finding a good paying job that will impress girls who are looking for relationships. I never said that a man shouldn't apply himself with his own personal social character when it comes to teying 2 find a girlfriend
It was meant to be humorous, ".... and the American way" just didn't seem to fit the topic at hand. Your point still doesn't seem clear, at least to me. If you want to be a single man, then there is no reason why you shouldn't have more than one girlfriend, as long as you make that clear from the beginning. As far as providers, there's no reason why you can't enjoy as many as you can afford. If you do some research on a provider, you can learn a lot about her. Reviews and a ladies posting history says a great deal. If you find a provider that you hit it off with, there shouldn't be an issue. A lot of ladies like having a regular gent. But you also have to understand that she may have a few other regulars too. When in doubt, ask the hobbyists. There is a lot of help to be had here, if you can try a little harder to clarify what you want to say.
I was just saying that economic oprression caused by greedy governments and corporations have made it hard for good guys to find girlfriends because with a bad economy, u have a very low chance of finding a good paying job that will impress girls who are looking for relationships. Originally Posted by warrior13
blah blah bla Blame it on others...blah blah blah.
I'm very concerned my posts or the posts by others might drive you away, warrior13, and I REALLY REALLY don't want that to happen.

So in light of that, I now see where you're coming from. It must be very frustrating to be turned down by a provider 2 years ago. I applaud your wisdom in keeping a couple of girls ready and available, so to speak. That way, if one of them suddenly goes batshit crazy --- which is what would need to happen for them to ever turn you away --- you have another girl ready to roll.

This is very good advice. I appreciate you sharing it. I will keep it in mind, and I hope that you provide a lot more great advice. I'm looking very forward to it.

And don't mind all these mean people on here. They're anonymous handles whose opinion shouldn't mean anything to you. Let it roll off your back, and just keep posting. That's all I ask.
shorty's Avatar
Sounds kinda like a Stalker who won't let it go.
jbravo_123's Avatar
good guys like myself be able to get a hold of what has been robbed from us in society, such as being able to get into a relationship. Originally Posted by warrior13
I'm not the one who said being able to get into a relationship was somehow robbed from you.

I'm also not trying to brainwash you. That implies I'm trying to change your opinion.
Sounds kinda like a Stalker who won't let it go. Originally Posted by shorty
Sounds like a fruitcake.