How Do you come back from a 90 day ban with 14 points

WTF, I thought if you served a 90 day ban for hitting 25 points you were supposed to come back with 0 points. I come back with 14 points and a mod telling me points don't reset??

Heres a link where this question was asked and answered by a mod in the same area. WTF
Still Looking's Avatar
WTF, I thought if you served a 90 day ban for hitting 25 points you were supposed to come back with 0 points. I come back with 14 points and a mod telling me points don't reset??

Heres a link where this question was asked and answered by a mod in the same area. WTF Originally Posted by homer13
Homer if I know you.... they gave you those for extra credit!

It would appear some points don't get erased with a ban. When they award those minty points I believe it states that. Those might be "special Points". EA & or Z will be alone to ESPLAIN soon.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think there is also some community service involved.

. . . You've already underwent the 40 lashes haven't you?

pyramider's Avatar
That is an upcharge.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Did the 90 days feel rushed?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-28-2013, 09:45 AM
Points expire when they reach their expiration date. A ban or a return from a ban does not affect that.
If you read all the way to the bottom of the link you posted, it clearly states it was his understanding and he admitted his understanding was wrong.
ilovedatass's Avatar
How do you come back from a 90 day ban with 14 points? Originally Posted by homer13
Very carefully ....
sex instructor's Avatar
well if you don't plan on cutting up and showing your ass then it shouldn't matter IJS