AFF Ad scam on here

12blue4u's Avatar
So seeing all these AFF ads which I do not see on my local AFF site I thought i would do some research by doing a checking on the username given in the username search box .
Here is what I found:

1. Two of the ads were from usernames who were discontinued. How they are getting away with this I am sure there is fine print but not very nice.

2. Screens that shows up and say "due to overwhelming response username has been changed.

3. Usernames that lead to a foreign country, I do not live in these countries.

4. Usernames just show up as not found.

Since I believe AFF is a publicly traded company they should be held accountable for this crap. But I am guessing that because of the nature of the "biz" no one is looking into the false advertising. Of course it appears that no one cares as websites are getting a cut for the ad revenues.
Bobave's Avatar
I did the same thing, found the same results you did - AND noticed that some of the supposedly young hot female profiles are *male* profiles... what?
12blue4u's Avatar
Notice a certain silence on here?
Wakeup's Avatar
I think that silence is because no one gives a shit...not because there's some massive conspiracy going on...

Oh, and the fact that you posted it in the middle of the night...
I think that silence is because no one gives a shit...not because there's some massive conspiracy going on...

Oh, and the fact that you posted it in the middle of the night... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I think most men figure out pretty quickly that sites like AFF are not legit. So they pay ECCIE to post ads, if people stop using and paying for their bogus website they'll go away. No grand conspiracy we don't use AFF and we don't care.
I know I don't give a shit, other than the amusement it brings me.

I can't imagine why I would go to any of these advertised sites. I realize they have to be a significant revenue generator for the site, if not the main source of income, and for that reason I'm grateful they choose to continue to advertise.

But I'm getting my needs met in every way I could possibly imagine by Eccie itself. I couldn't care less whether every single one of these advertisements is a huge scam.

Also, AFF has been around friggin' forever. This thread is hardly some kind of newsflash. It's like people complaining about dating sites and all their fake profiles. Well, duh. Not saying that people can't hook up with any of them, including AFF, but you have to be willing to put the time in to separate the wheat from the chaff.

But the thread still put a smile on my face when I read it. I especially like the insinuation that there's some kind of mass movement to not comment on AFF's bullshit. Like we're all in on it or something, lol.
12blue4u's Avatar
Actually have gotten some local hook ups out of it. It is actually better than alot of the other so called "arrangement" sites.
There are a number of providers on here now using it to. I guess its part of there multi-level marketing.
Man I don't know where you live but 11:30pm is hardly middle of the night in my area.
I just wish some type of pop up blocker could stop those annoying slixa ads. Firefox, Chrome ad-blocker none seem to work.
I just wish some type of pop up blocker could stop those annoying slixa ads. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
The more intrusive an ad, the more effective it is.

It will go away when Slixa either runs out of money, or decides their advertising budget can be better spent elsewhere.

Or somebody can always start their own version of Eccie without the pop up ad. Ain't going to be me, though.