Photo storage other than Photobucket?

GypsyHeart's Avatar
Before my laptop crashed, I was going to start utilizing another photo upload and storage site that is more naughty pic friendly. For the life of me, I cannot remember what it is! Ladies, what do you use other than Photobucket? Feel free to pm if you wish. Thank you!
fluff's Avatar
  • fluff
  • 03-08-2013, 05:24 AM
How about backing up your PC

Just make sure you store your password somewhere and make it hard for LE to get hold of it
GypsyHeart's Avatar
Oh, I have an external hd for that. This is for use of linking photos for the forums and such.
Dandito's Avatar
Never had a photo removed
shorty's Avatar
Before my laptop crashed, I was going to start utilizing another photo upload and storage site that is more naughty pic friendly. For the life of me, I cannot remember what it is! Ladies, what do you use other than Photobucket? Feel free to pm if you wish. Thank you! Originally Posted by GypsyHeart
Just send them to my email address. They will be safe with me and promise not lose them. They might be a little sticky if you want them back sometime in the future, though.
Pretty much everyone on reddit uses

Try that.

And believe me, the images on reddit would put anything this site could ever come up with to shame. Even pyramider's taint collection.
DallasRain's Avatar
imagecoast is great
GypsyHeart's Avatar
Thank you Dan and Proud....lmfao@ shorty...... I think imagecoast may be the one I used before.
dtymh55's Avatar
CD ROMS, DVDS, or Flash drives work for me.
Whats wrong with photobucket?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-08-2013, 08:44 PM
They are quite anal about image content.
I've never had a problem, until the dreaded UPGRADE bull crap! It is slower than molasses in January now!
Never had a problem with photobucket. Set your album to private.
I have over 600 photos on photobucket and it takes OVER an hour just to get a quarter of the way down. Forget trying to clear out double shots or mistake shots. I would love to find a safe place for all my pics, naughty or not.
Are u using photo bucket for storage or links Nic? If you just need online storage try dropbox, sugarsync, gdrive, etc. Use the free photo sites like photobucket for linking and dont store alot of photos on there.