Here comes the EcoSexuals!!! Featuring Ann Sprinkle and friends.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Personally, this does sound like fun. Wish, though, that I was about 10 or 15 years younger.

I just prefer the bed instead of screwing around on the ground!

There are a lot of fun sites that relate to this topic, though!!!

Leave it to Annie and friends to come up with a novel approach to sexuality!!!

What are your thoughts? There are a lot more interesting links. I'll add a few later on when I return to this topic.

James1588's Avatar
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Wait a minute ... reduce? Maybe some of these maxims don't translate so well. Hmmmmm.

Bed vs. ground? One consideration: poison ivy. I get it easily. I can just about get it by seeing it.
Maybe I am dense, but is this simply having sex outdoors? Lols. People have been doing this for ages. I quite enjoy an invigorating outdoor romp, as long as the weather is good.
The Slut's Avatar
It needs to be warm for me to take my clothes off outside.