Our little part of the board......

srvfin's Avatar
is so dead! Thought there was a thread talking about that we all migrate to other parts of the board but that we should always come back and post here to keep OUR board lively.

Come on people, let's all start trying to post something at least once a day. Reply to a thread. Start a new thread. Hell, just give a shout out to someone or to everyone. We're all friendly here and that's a plus. I'm not a big poster but I will do my best also.

Not ranting, just lonely.... hehe!

Srvfin here..... Evening everybody!
Guilty a s charged! I know I post in the national forum mostly to get views which usually don't happen here.

And I figured most folks were tired of my same old same old " lectures" about supporting and prebooking with visiting providers. The " business issues" here are unfortunate. Even the few "resident ladies" that live in the area have resorted to spending the most oof their time traveling elsewhere.

I KNOW it is difficult for many of the guys to get off work for appointments, but truly, to make the ladies' time worthwhile here, they MUST have solid appointments. I would suggest that you do get prescreenied with as many as possible, and let them know you are interested in their visits. Be honest about your spotty availability and limitations. But if you are prescreened, then maybe there might be the chance for some more last minute appointments. BUT these ladies do need some assurances and to understand that many of them WILL have higher rates when they DO come due to making up for having fewer appointments. If the guys can get together more toknow each other to the extent where they can get some " group bookings" then maybe they can lure more ladies here.

I know this better belongs in the other thread, but it will work here too.