RL med 'fun'

FishGuy13's Avatar
I was and sorta still am, thinking of making a 'creative writing' type of review of both what really happened, a few thoughts during and after, and a few tall tales for good measure during a trip to the local ER. I mostly went to prove a point to my apt mgt, she keeps saying the A/C is working just fine, yet I have pictures of an atomic clock with inside temp of 99 degrees in the middle of the night.
I have never had a problem with blood or needles and even told the nurse this who came into draw some blood. I went so far as to say it would not bother me to watch, she said 'please don't it makes me nervous.'
She came back a moment later with an empty jug and said guess what this is for. A while later she came back to check on my still empty jug, and I replied sorry I have shy kidneys.
Still not sure if I want to give away the ending here and now or save it for the 'review'.
I have a kinky RL nurse friend who says if someone likes their food plain their sex life is usually hot, and if they like the burn of spicy Tex-Mex they just might me on fire BCD. Well, I eat my burgers with just bread, meat & sometimes bacon and cheese; I have also called the salsa at the church pot luck ketchup I want my salsa with enough jalapenos that is looks more green than red. So far here I have taken my RL bland sex life up a few notches here, but have yet to try any thing kinky ~ then again perhaps what I have tried RL and here may not seem kinky b/c of all the lurking in AR.
Thoughts on to write or not to write the 'review' or just tell it all in this thread.
Thoughts on the next baby step or big step in kink here??
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Baby steps are kool if that is the pace you need to take, other wise cum on in the water is fine.......................lol
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
How about tell about it in the thread and write a review...inquiring minds want to know!