White House denies TX as "major disaster area"; local leaders frustrated

White House denies TX as "major disaster area"; local leaders frustrated

Ashley Aldrich Reporter/KETK News

POSTED: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 6:32pm

UPDATED: Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 11:59am


TEXAS — This year, almost 7,000 separate wildfires have destroyed more than two million acres in Texas, burning hundreds of homes, businesses, and farms.
Conditions are still dry. In fact, 210 of Texas' 254 counties are under a burn ban.
Back in March, Texas Governor Rick Perry requested a statewide disaster declaration from FEMA that would give the state financial aid to combat the fires..
When tornadoes ripped through Alabama in April, White House officials immediately declared it a disaster area. Meanwhile in Texas, fires the size of Rhode Island were burning, and FEMA still had not responded to Perry's request.
"I think this administration needs to be responsive to the people of the state of Texas. It seems to me they were very responsive and appropriately so to the citizens of Alabama," says Governor Perry.
U.S. Senators John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison from Texas wrote a letter to FEMA asking them to expedite the request and got no response.
Tuesday, they wrote a letter to President Obama urging for assistance, and they finally got an answer. Senator Cornyn says, "I'm very disappointed that the Obama Administration...yesterday... after dragging their feet for weeks informed Governor Perry that his request had been denied."
Senator Cornyn says there was no explanation. "I'm frankly baffled," he says.
FEMA says Texas has received 25 fire assistance grants in the last two months. "I think we've had 9,000 separate fires in the state of Texas, and the federal government has only helped us with 25 of them. I think that's inappropriate," says Gov. Perry.
Now, some state leaders say it's hard not to speculate. Sen. Cornyn says, "Texas has not been a place that's received, to my view, equal and fair-handed treatment with other places in the country. There seems to be a lot of politics in the calculation."
Texas has 30 days to appeal the denial. Governor Perry says the state is considering its options.
rjdiner's Avatar
Maybe someone should ask Perry how that whole secession thing is working out.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-05-2011, 04:47 PM
This isn't a case of "careful what you wish for".

It's a case of "quit whining about what you're wishing for".
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The fact Texas is a major disaster area has nothing to do with the fires. The disaster is, as Doove put it, the whining by all of the "Macho, Macho Men," yesssirrreeeee, when the going gets tough, the Guv starts crying. Hmmm, must be the cheerleader training.....

Practice what you preach: "Big Guvment is Baaaaaaaaddddd," so just get the rich oilies and the Dallas and Houston "Captains of Industry" to chip in and handle it, they're long on handing out advice, now, how 'bout a little ak-shun? The boot sure does pinch when it's on the other foot (or up your ass).

But, since I'm one of those jelly-spined liburrls and since this is something that "Big Guvment" does rather well, I'm for some FEMA assistance. Since the son has a fair sized rainch up in Oklamerica, I understand what fires do since his place was partially toasted a few years ago. But, there was no FEMA aid for him, either. The fire that hit his place and others was only a few thousand square acres - you know. small potatoes, unless you're the one holding the bag.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Why would he? Obama is never going to win Texas. Alabama, sure but not Texas.
We're all Americans.
ibechill's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We're all Americans. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I'm not so sure that Texans are regarded as American....in the current Washington DC at least.

Neither are Arizonans, with our current Governor and senior Senator, for that matter.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
We're all Americans. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
You are exactly correct, BUT, it would be nice for the sanctimonious righties to remember what you said the next time they spread their horse-pucky about how those who do not think exactly as they do are a bunch of worthless, degenerated idiots. Those who use the easy sound bites of hate and condescention to regularly drive wedges should remember the part about people living in glass houses throwing stones. Unfortunately, there are some peoople who need help that may not get it because of fallout from how Gov. Perry treated a sitting President when he visited Texas. If it's not clear now, Obama isn't the candy-ass the hard-on right would like to think he is. He just is real short on bluster.
Practice what you preach: "Big Guvment is Baaaaaaaaddddd," so just get the rich oilies and the Dallas and Houston "Captains of Industry" to chip in and handle it, they're long on handing out advice, now, how 'bout a little ak-shun? The boot sure does pinch when it's on the other foot (or up your ass).

But, since I'm one of those jelly-spined liburrls and since this is something that "Big Guvment" does rather well, I'm for some FEMA assistance. Since the son has a fair sized rainch up in Oklamerica, I understand what fires do since his place was partially toasted a few years ago. But, there was no FEMA aid for him, either. The fire that hit his place and others was only a few thousand square acres - you know. small potatoes, unless you're the one holding the bag. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
The government does disaster relief well??!! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Do you really believe that? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

I love the liberals who think conservatives are being hypocrites because they are playing by the rules currently in place. There is no inconsistency about playing by BIG GOVERNMENT rules at the same time trying to change the rules.......liberals are such concrete thinkers [block-heads]
Why would he? Obama is never going to win Texas. Alabama, sure but not Texas. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Because Texas is still part of the United States and he is the President of the United States.....the president is a civil servant of the people, he is not a king.....it is the moral thing to do
You are exactly correct, BUT, it would be nice for the sanctimonious righties to remember what you said the next time they spread their horse-pucky about how those who do not think exactly as they do are a bunch of worthless, degenerated idiots. Those who use the easy sound bites of hate and condescention to regularly drive wedges should remember the part about people living in glass houses throwing stones. Unfortunately, there are some peoople who need help that may not get it because of fallout from how Gov. Perry treated a sitting President when he visited Texas. If it's not clear now, Obama isn't the candy-ass the hard-on right would like to think he is. He just is real short on bluster. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

2 + 2 = 4.....there is only one RIGHT answer to the question......you leftists are always wrong.....saying 2 + 2 = 5 is wrong, even if your union teacher gives you an A+ on the test.....4 and 5 are not both correct answers..........we also condemn the leftist for their intolerance and hatred of facts.....leftists believe things that their feelings tell them is correct, not what their intellect tells them is correct.....
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Ah, Marshmallow, my man...lol. Your remark is the textbook example of attributing your actions to be the actions of others in order to make a case that isn't. You righty-tighties are always there first with the diatribes and name calling but the loudest whiners when it comes right back atcha. Everyone's tired of that simplistic one act melodrama.
Ah, Marshmallow, my man...lol. Your remark is the textbook example of attributing your actions to be the actions of others in order to make a case that isn't. You righty-tighties are always there first with the diatribes and name calling but the loudest whiners when it comes right back atcha. Everyone's tired of that simplistic one act melodrama. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You are even confusing yourself! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!