what is better???

which sex is better to have as friends? men or women
Choice: you cannot be sexing
only friends, true friends.
is it truly possible to have a real friendship with the opposite sex without sexual contact? Is it easier to be open with a male or female about your problems and get sound advice without being byest? Could one be friends without getting jealous and ones so not be jealous?
Omerta's Avatar
In my case, my two best friends in the world are women. It is certainly possible to be friends with the opposite sex without it ending up in bed.

However our society ASSUMES that when a man and woman are good friends, they must be bedding each other. In Arkansas divorce case law, when a man is friends with a woman, there is an automatic presumption of an affair.
TechOne's Avatar
Most of my best friends now are women. They tell me that I am a good listener and have a way of comforting them so that they forget about their troubles, if only for a little while. I have no comprehension of the "no sexing" part, though. I had friends outside of marriages for over 30 years and there was nothing better than having sex with a best friend that truly needed what I was giving, and vice versa. Sooo, when would you like to get together again and "talk"? As for the jealousy that develops, that is foreign to me as well. I don't have relationships with jealous people.
Hey Isabella, I think guys can be friends with either sex easier than women can, just watching the caddy fights on here or where I work give me that opinion, I work with mainly ladies and its just amazing what they get upset over, just my two cents
I enjoy friendships with guys. Although close friendships of the opposite sex can be difficult.

I had a close friendship with a regular for quite some time. When we hobbied, we hobbied. But outside of that, it was just friendship. Movie marathons, going out to eat or for drinks, talking & confiding in each other. I thought everything was great until he confessed he had deeper feelings for me. The situation became awkward quickly, because I just didn't feel the same way. He became resentful, and now we avoid each other. I do miss the friendship before the awkward stage.

I think when there is sex involved, not everyone can compartmentalize. I think it's better to keep close friendships on a platonic level.
Sidinman78's Avatar
If I can't communicate or carry on a dialogue with someone, whether it's life or work, it would be impossible for me to develop a friendship. Sex has not or would not cause me to develop a friendship...it could bring me in contact with a person I might not ever have met otherwise, but it wouldn't be enough for a friendship in and of itself.
I only have one true friend in this life and thats my wife. She knows who i truely am and shes some how put up with all my shit through out the years. Lucky for me, shes a friend with benefits. As far as being friends with another woman...nope. As time goes on, all I can think about is what it would be like to fuck that person. And when it comes to men, i really have a hard time caring about whats going on their life. Sounds kinda bad but its the truth and i dont like to hide it.