Do you live in a red state? Biden et al don't care about your job.

  • Tiny
  • 10-23-2020, 01:00 PM
Yes, If you work in oil and gas in a red state, Biden and many other top Democrats don't give a fuck whether you've got a job. LBJ would be rolling over in his grave.

Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and arguably Pete Buttigieg all wanted to outright ban fracking. Joe Biden wisely realized fracking would be an issue in swing states Pennsylvania and Ohio, so he instead said he would stop issuing drilling permits on federal lands and on federal offshore leases (the Gulf of Mexico). Ohio and Pennsylvania don't have much in the way of federal lands.

Twenty-two percent of oil production in the USA currently comes from federal leases. Biden says he's going to ban new drilling on these. Production from existing wells will decline and eventually go to "0," so that at some point federal leases will account for 0% of U.S. oil and gas production.

So what kind of effect is this going to have on Texas, Louisiana, North Dakota, Utah and Wyoming? And on New Mexico, which is so blue that Biden knows he's going to win it no matter what? It's not going to be a pretty picture.

Here are the API's estimates:

4.3 million jobs will be lost by 2030. Texas alone will lose 120,000 jobs in 2022. Eight percent of jobs in Wyoming will be wiped out in 2022 alone.

Net Imports of Crude Oil will rise by 2 million barrels/day by 2030

Net exports of natural gas will decrease by 0.8 TCF by 2030

The U.S. will pay an extra $500 billion to foreign energy suppliers

The irony of this is that shutting down drilling for natural gas on federal leases will likely INCREASE worldwide carbon emissions. Natural gas is largely used to as a substitute for coal for generation of electricity, and burning coal produces a lot more CO2 than natural gas.

Do you think China, OPEC and Russia are going to throttle back their oil and gas exploration and production? Are China, India and Indonesia going to quit mining coal and quit building coal fired power plants? The answer to both questions is FUCK NO. The reductions in CO2 emissions from Biden's plan to ban drilling on federal lands will be a drop in the bucket compared to the worldwide total. But it will result in the loss of millions of American jobs. And tens of billions of dollars, or maybe hundreds of billions, spent on pipelines, gas plants, offshore platforms and the like to handle production from federal leases will have largely been wasted. Why would anyone in his right mind want to do this to our country?
That was my favorite part of the debate last night

Joe: "I don't believe in red states and blue states, I believe in America, but the red states are the problem"

get fucked joe
adav8s28's Avatar
Yes, If you work in oil and gas in a red state, Biden and many other top Democrats don't give a fuck whether you've got a job. LBJ would be rolling over in his grave.

Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and arguably Pete Buttigieg all wanted to outright ban fracking. Joe Biden wisely realized fracking would be an issue in swing states Pennsylvania and Ohio, so he instead said he would stop issuing drilling permits on federal lands and on federal offshore leases (the Gulf of Mexico). Ohio and Pennsylvania don't have much in the way of federal lands.

The U.S. will pay an extra $500 billion to foreign energy suppliers

The irony of this is that shutting down drilling for natural gas on federal leases will likely INCREASE worldwide carbon emissions. Natural gas is largely used to as a substitute for coal for generation of electricity, and burning coal produces a lot more CO2 than natural gas.

Do you think China, OPEC and Russia are going to throttle back their oil and gas exploration and production? Are China, India and Indonesia going to quit mining coal and quit building coal fired power plants? The answer to both questions is FUCK NO. The reductions in CO2 emissions from Biden's plan to ban drilling on federal lands will be a drop in the bucket compared to the worldwide total. But it will result in the loss of millions of American jobs. And tens of billions of dollars, or maybe hundreds of billions, spent on pipelines, gas plants, offshore platforms and the like to handle production from federal leases will have largely been wasted. Why would anyone in his right mind want to do this to our country? Originally Posted by Tiny
Biden did the right thing for Penn where he enjoys a whooping 5.1 lead in the polls with less than two weeks to go.

Tiny, you're a good poster. It's time to perfect electric cars and solar heat. The USA is closer with the electric cars, look at TESLA. My apartment complex has an electric recharging unit. The USA needs to be less reliant on OPEC for oil/energy. Need to put more money into SOLAR. The Sun will shine for another 50 billion years. When the Sun wont' shine anymore humans will have to find another earth "like" planet out there. That's down the road a bit, if earth doesn't get too HOT for humans to live. It was 125 degrees Farenheight in the Calif desert recently.
It's time to perfect electric cars and solar heat. The USA is closer with the electric cars, look at TESLA. Originally Posted by adav8s28
My favorite part of electric cars is having to sit in a parking lot for an hour waiting for it to charge so I can drive another 200 miles and do it all over again.

Tesla's even better about it - "Oh, you didn't pay the extra money to enable the fast charging feature? Oh you're not the first owner? Enjoy taking 3 hours to charge."

I'd buy a tesla and figure out how to disable the satcom and enable all the features they charge extra for (fast charging, fuel economy, etc is all controlled by software), but despite all the flashy shit Elon puts in them, he still can't figure out how to make them not leak like a sieve.
LexusLover's Avatar
Biden did the right thing for Penn ... Originally Posted by adav8s28
I agree. He's handled his campaign artfully.

Please be sure to vote at least 3 more times! He'll need it.

As for the elimination of fossil fuel ... Hunter is going to be upset when he discovers that Vaseline is actually "petroleum jelly" and he won't have any to ease the insertions in the "Big House"!

Just remember! By 2035 .... all fossil fuel will be eliminated!

Biden did the right thing for Penn where he enjoys a whooping 5.1 lead in the polls with less than two weeks to go.

Tiny, you're a good poster. It's time to perfect electric cars and solar heat. The USA is closer with the electric cars, look at TESLA. My apartment complex has an electric recharging unit. The USA needs to be less reliant on OPEC for oil/energy. Need to put more money into SOLAR. The Sun will shine for another 50 billion years. When the Sun wont' shine anymore humans will have to find another earth "like" planet out there. That's down the road a bit, if earth doesn't get too HOT for humans to live. It was 125 degrees Farenheight in the Calif desert recently. Originally Posted by adav8s28
What's the yearly high in Death Valley California"? Please stop panicking.

This post shows how unhinged you are. Nobody's against a transitioning to electric vehicles. It's that the govt is mandating it and giving all types of incentives for their purchase. Remember Solyndra?

There's no way solar power will be the only answer for quite some time. Even the rabid enviros admit it. We'll still be dependent on oil and natural gas. In fact, we'll need oil to make the transition.

OPEC? Are you living still in the 70s?
Just remember! By 2035 .... all fossil fuel will be eliminated! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Throw that on the pile of other fossil fuel apocalypses I've listened to for 40 years
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-23-2020, 02:35 PM
What's the yearly high in Death Valley California"? Please stop panicking.

This post shows how unhinged you are. Nobody's against a transitioning to electric vehicles. It's that the govt is mandating it and giving all types of incentives for their purchase. Remember Solyndra?

There's no way solar power will be the only answer for quite some time. Even the rabid enviros admit it. We'll still be dependent on oil and natural gas. In fact, we'll need oil to make the transition.

OPEC? Are you living still in the 70s? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Something we agree on....EV cars are great. I can't wait until they get decent trucks. The new Hummer looks awesome.

Coal got beaten out by cheap ngl's.

EV will have to get their costs down to compete with combustion.

Biden fucked up by stating the obvious.
  • Tiny
  • 10-23-2020, 02:46 PM
Biden did the right thing for Penn where he enjoys a whooping 5.1 lead in the polls with less than two weeks to go.

Tiny, you're a good poster. It's time to perfect electric cars and solar heat. The USA is closer with the electric cars, look at TESLA. My apartment complex has an electric recharging unit. The USA needs to be less reliant on OPEC for oil/energy. Need to put more money into SOLAR. The Sun will shine for another 50 billion years. When the Sun wont' shine anymore humans will have to find another earth "like" planet out there. That's down the road a bit, if earth doesn't get too HOT for humans to live. It was 125 degrees Farenheight in the Calif desert recently. Originally Posted by adav8s28
That's actually hard to argue with, especially the "Tiny, you're a good poster" part. I'd point to gnadfly's post, minus the unhinged part. More money will go into solar and the price per kilowatt hour will continue to come down, without big subsidies. Same for the cost of electric vehicles, and their range before charging will increase and time to charge will decrease. Our experience with government pumping huge amounts into solar energy hasn't turned out well. It only accounts for 1.7% of total electricity generated in the U.S. during 2019. EV's were only 1.9% of total vehicle sales in 2019.

Among other the economic costs, a problem in the short and medium term is that storing electricity is crazy expensive. You need fossil fuel and nuclear generating capacity for when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing. And as I said earlier, the reduction in CO2 emissions from shutting down oil and gas production on U.S. federal lands won't be a drop in the bucket compared to worldwide emissions. But the cost in terms of jobs lost and capital stranded will be large.
adav8s28's Avatar

OPEC? Are you living still......... Originally Posted by gnadfly
You want me to write out each country individually?
  • Tiny
  • 10-23-2020, 03:54 PM
You want me to write out each country individually? Originally Posted by adav8s28
Gnadfly's point probably was that the U.S. is now a net exporter of petroleum, so we're not dependent on OPEC any longer. We don't have to go to war and spill our young men and young women's blood to keep the Straits of Hormuz open. This is one of the benefits of fracking. And as you said one of the benefits of EV's, where we can use solar, wind and clean burning natural gas for the electricity to power vehicles.

One other thing I failed to mention, if we don't produce oil and gas in the USA, that doesn't mean worldwide oil and gas production and CO2 emissions will fall. There's a global market for oil, and with LNG, natural gas is becoming a global market too. OPEC and Russia have lots and lots of oil, and places like Russia, Qatar, and Iran have lots and lots of natural gas. Those places will take up the slack if we cut production. They benefit, we lose.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Electric cars do jack shit to reduce reliance upon fossil fuels, morons who promote this idea apparently missed 4th grade science. That electricity isn’t created out of thin air or cow farts, it’s generated using.........FOSSIL FUELS. In fact, since there’s yet to be created lossless transmission, as that is impossible according to basic laws of physics, MORE energy is required to convert the raw material to electricity.

Of course this is all moot if we were to smarten up and build nuclear power plants, easily the cleanest and most efficient source of electricity, but we’re not allowed to do that either.
^ This. But regretfully all the left knows how to do is pass "feel good" legislation that either accomplishes nothing, ruins everything, or is wholly un-enforceable.
  • Tiny
  • 10-23-2020, 04:10 PM
Electric cars do jack shit to reduce reliance upon fossil fuels, morons who promote this idea apparently missed 4th grade science. That electricity isn’t created out of thin air or cow farts, it’s generated using.........FOSSIL FUELS. In fact, since there’s yet to be created lossless transmission, as that is impossible according to basic laws of physics, MORE energy is required to convert the raw material to electricity. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
There is some irony in this. Your typical Tesla driving greenie in Austin who's driving around in his Tesla probably doesn't realize lignite (a dirty, low quality coal) is used to generate the electricity powering his car.

Of course this is all moot if we were to smarten up and build nuclear power plants, easily the cleanest and most efficient source of electricity, but we’re not allowed to do that either. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It doesn't make sense to build new nuclear plants with the price of natural gas where it is. You save money on fuel with nuclear, but the capital costs to build the plants are very high. Natural gas power generation plants cost a lot less to build. Of course if fracking is banned, natural gas prices will go sky high and nuclear starts to make a lot of sense.

I'm wondering what the "0" carbon emissions/anti-nuclear people are planning to do when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing? I guess sit around in the dark with no A/C or heating?
Nuclear has been such a non-talking point that I'm actually curious what new efficiencies or technologies have been developed for it.

For example, what are the differences between Nine Mile Point 1 in NY, which opened in 1969, and Watts Bar Unit 2, in TN, which opened in 2016?