iPhone app for providers

lonewolf1's Avatar

I've been on eccie.net for a while now and it's a wonderful community. I've always had very positive experiences with providers and others on forums. I run my own web development company and I build mobile apps for iTunes and GooglePlay. I thought it would be great if providers could have their own apps and use them as a discreet tool to communicate with those who are in the hobby. If any providers are interested I would love to talk about it. So much can be done with an app including, galleries, messaging, updates to hobbyists, etc. So message me or reply on this thread, let's talk! Thanks : )
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I am VERY interested. My hairdresser just got her own app and is loving it! She also offers specials for her clients for repeat business, referrals, etc.

Let's create a dialogue!
lonewolf1's Avatar
I am VERY interested. My hairdresser just got her own app and is loving it! She also offers specials for her clients for repeat business, referrals, etc.

Let's create a dialogue! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Hi Elizabeth,

I'm glad you like the idea! I'm definitely up for creating some dialogue. Send me an email at my company site frank@smallcitymedia.com and we'll go from there!
I am also interested .
Hell will freeze over before Apple will allow it on their app store. Suggest giving it a generic cover layer where anybody (hairdresser, RMT/LMT, personal trainer, etc) can define email, encrypted or remotely accessed client list, contact mediums, client notes, forum platform selection for integration, etc. That way you can get it listed for distribution.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Isn't being a companion legal? I would be surprised if there was a bunch of balking as a result of the site.

Not THAT surprised, but...

Don't know if it is still policy, but at one time they pulled all apps that enabled adult content to their devices, including porn and ashley madison type services.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'll have to take your word for it, then, because I sincerely do not know.

It's still a shame that even a company as seemingly progressive as Apple would be so uptight in contending with the morality issues.
The singular reason I won't own an apple device.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-26-2012, 05:38 PM
Bikini picture apps have been denied .... they are pretty tight on what they allow on their store.
I am interested. Sounds like fun
ooooo i wna knw
That is a great idea, I'll tell you ANOTHER app idea that I would even pay for...LE apps! Some sort of app where you can easily access maybe even from your lock screen like a red button or somthing, that when you push it it alerts every girl in the community "theres been a sting" or maybe it has a temporary file for all numbers and you can have a "here" and "done" button and so for example you hit "here" and it saves the last answered phone #(current client) in a temp. file, then you hit "done" and it deletes the phone number info(for clients discretion), but if you instead access the red button instead of deleting the phone # it sends it to an email or location accessble by the app community or by internet, so we can have more real time knowlege on LE/or even scary dangerous guys!..Just fast brain storming, hope that made sense....xoxox -R
chetmanly's Avatar
Its very very easy to do the same "app" thing in HTML5, if you think creatively enough. I've already done it for one of my clients.

You dont have to worry about App Store requirements and 'updates'