why are we here?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I thought about this today, how did we get to this point of rationalizing and accepting lying, cowardly politicians. I came to the conclusion that a long time ago the schools stop teaching how special and great this country is (was?). We used to be the hope of the world. We rescued Europe twice, the far east, and Australia. We built canals that couldn't be built, cured diseases, created technology, and put men on the moon. There was nothing that the US couldn't solve at some point. Then we became part of the world community. So much a part that we could not doing something unless the world agree and we had to pick up the load plus the load of carrying other countries on our back. When it came to politics, we started accepting poor behavior. We had bad behavior in the old days but we tended to turn them out when exposed. Today they get reelected after stealing money from the house bank, taking bribes in ABSCAM, and fucking pages like Gerry Studds.

We accepted our decline because we were not special and don't deserve anything better. If we get back to the superlative nature of our country then the next thing is to demand better leaders. Our culture is superior in so many ways to other cultures. We don't rape our women and call it punishment. We don't slaughter prisoners in our wars. We don't cut of a woman's clitoris for our benefit. We don't stone gay people. We don't keep our poor or minorities in ghettos. They can work themselves out of a poor situation.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I thought about this today, how did we get to this point of rationalizing and accepting lying, cowardly politicians. I came to the conclusion that a long time ago the schools stop teaching how special and great this country is (was?). We used to be the hope of the world. We rescued Europe twice, the far east, and Australia. We built canals that couldn't be built, cured diseases, created technology, and put men on the moon. There was nothing that the US couldn't solve at some point. Then we became part of the world community. So much a part that we could not doing something unless the world agree and we had to pick up the load plus the load of carrying other countries on our back. When it came to politics, we started accepting poor behavior. We had bad behavior in the old days but we tended to turn them out when exposed. Today they get reelected after stealing money from the house bank, taking bribes in ABSCAM, and fucking pages like Gerry Studds.
Wrong. There are a lot more resignations for bad behavior because they (bad behaviors) are exposed with more coverage. Of course a wingnut sees America in decline because no bill should be longer than 3 pages and their thoughts can be completely contained in a tweet.

In other words douche-bag, it's more complicated than you state and in many ways we are ascending.

Start a thread to list pros and cons.

We accepted our decline because we were not special and don't deserve anything better. If we get back to the superlative nature of our country then the next thing is to demand better leaders. Our culture is superior in so many ways to other cultures. We don't rape our women and call it punishment. We don't slaughter prisoners in our wars. We don't cut of a woman's clitoris for our benefit. We don't stone gay people. We don't keep our poor or minorities in ghettos. They can work themselves out of a poor situation. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You accept what you consider to be decline because your core character is that of a small, weak, lying, shunner of responsibility.

Yes you jd. You are minute.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A new avatar (but you might have to share Munchie) for you.

I thought about this today, how did we get to this point of rationalizing and accepting lying, cowardly politicians. I came to the conclusion that a long time ago the schools stop teaching how special and great this country is (was?). We used to be the hope of the world. We rescued Europe twice, the far east, and Australia. We built canals that couldn't be built, cured diseases, created technology, and put men on the moon. There was nothing that the US couldn't solve at some point. Then we became part of the world community. So much a part that we could not doing something unless the world agree and we had to pick up the load plus the load of carrying other countries on our back. When it came to politics, we started accepting poor behavior. We had bad behavior in the old days but we tended to turn them out when exposed. Today they get reelected after stealing money from the house bank, taking bribes in ABSCAM, and fucking pages like Gerry Studds.

We accepted our decline because we were not special and don't deserve anything better. If we get back to the superlative nature of our country then the next thing is to demand better leaders. Our culture is superior in so many ways to other cultures. We don't rape our women and call it punishment. We don't slaughter prisoners in our wars. We don't cut of a woman's clitoris for our benefit. We don't stone gay people. We don't keep our poor or minorities in ghettos. They can work themselves out of a poor situation. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Probably correct if they are accepting substandard teachers like you and your rainbow ways.
bojulay's Avatar
It's the ultimate expression of Political Correctness.

The same idea would have us submit to the UNs laws and protocols.

You can thank the Nazis and Communist for the demonization of Nationalism.
The throwing out of the baby with the bathwater.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-14-2013, 08:43 AM

You were put on this earth to blow sailors, go back to doing your job. Leave the deep thinking to others....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A couple of things; Biggen finally acknowledges my profession and when exactly did WTF exhibit an aptitude for "deep thinking"?
How we got here................a long list....but at the top are my considerations:

- A spoiled baby boomer generation of consumers who want it all and don't believe in denying themselves anything.

- Massive legal and illegal immigration that diluted our culture, our conformity, or unity. It has overwhelmed our fundamental institutions...we are no longer capable of becoming a melting pot.

- A broken education system that teaches to the lowest common denominators, ignores the great contributions of our Western civilization heritage, and is controlled top to bottom by Progressives.

-A never ending federal grab of power that dilutes individual and state's rights.

- The explosion of "victimhood" in America.

- Massive legal and illegal immigration that diluted our culture,
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Who exactly were those great scientists who ran the Manhattan project, built the bomb, built rockets, got the men on the moon?

Surely not immigrant Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, etc etc etc ? Plus the odd Brit ?

I heard recently that 5 or so of the great scientists all came from small town in ? Hungary. Can't remember where I read it, so I can't look it up and check.

- on further research, it may have been the Lutheran high school in Budapest, von Neumann and Wigner both went to school there. Don't ask me why jewish kids went to a Lutheran school....it seems a lot of them did. I got this information from
Made in Hungary: Hungarian contributions to universal culture

Again, how much music was from immigrants? All those European musicians who composed and played in Hollywood orchestras.

How can immigrant spice dilute?

America, like Britain, survives through immigration.

Do you need any more dripping sarcasm, or is my case proven? Who the hell are all these 'Americans' if not immigrants?

So you don't think I'm some rageing lefty woofter, there is a dark side. I hope LK doesn't use this for one of her rants. But to say there is no problem is the start of the problem.


Yssup Rider's Avatar
Every "hood" is a victimhood for you Whineaway!

BTW -- when I hit this thread, my security program went apeshit.

which one of you assholes is phishing, hacking, identify theiving, etc.? Didn't happen on any other thread. So....

I have my suspicions.
Back to the topic...von Neumann...


has a very nice forward by his daughter, it gives an excellent description of one immigrant's, and the subsequent generation's, contribution to American life and culture, and what drove it.

It also describes his belief in the US as a bulwark against totalitarianism of all kinds. Hopefully. Although he did warn presciently of imperialist tendencies.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
A couple of things; Biggen finally acknowledges my profession Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well, he got the "substandard" part right with regards to your JOB.
@ essence......legal, controlled immigration is a good thing...........but the tens of millions who flooded our country in the past decades (since 1970s) overwhelmed our capacity to absorb them and more importantly to remain a melting pot .
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Good question, Corneyhole. Why are you here is more like it. Is it to try to find someone who will listen to your silly "enlightenment"? Good luck with that. Faux Noise already has plenty of outlets.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-14-2013, 02:02 PM
Good question, Corneyhole. Why are you here is more like it. Is it to try to find someone who will listen to your silly "enlightenment"? Good luck with that. Faux Noise already has plenty of outlets. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
We are here to change Cornhole's diapers!