Nothing Constructive Will Happen Til the Press Does Its Job


A complicit press emboldens O'Blunder...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What about Fox? Beck? I suppose they don't found as "the Media." Im glad that you've finally admitted it.

Now we can move on.

After all, the press controls policy.

joe bloe's Avatar
The press is 99% liberal. They are never going to report the news fairly. As far as they're are concerned, their job is to advance their leftist agenda. The MSM is a branch of the Democrat party just like the unions.

The media has been leftist for decades. Stalin killed systematically starved millions of Ukraines to death in the early nineteen thirties. The New York Times had the story and spiked it because they didn't want to make the Soviets look bad. Walter Duranty, received a Pulitzer Prize for his work as the Times correspondent in the Soviet Union.
The press is 99% liberal. They are never going to report the news fairly. As far as they're are concerned, their job is to advance their leftist agenda. The MSM is a branch of the Democrat party just like the unions.

The media has been leftist for decades. Stalin killed systematically starved millions of Ukraines to death in the early nineteen thirties. The New York Times had the story and spiked it because they didn't want to make the Soviets look bad. Walter Duranty, received a Pulitzer Prize for his work as the Times correspondent in the Soviet Union. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Why don't you enlighten yourself for a change and tune into something besides Rush!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I listen, read, watch, many different news sources. The bias in "reporting" the news is as evident as the lies of the current administration. The problem does not lie with those that have no problem recognizing such bias,but with those that believe it as fact.
It is unfortunate that most people cannot comprehend and question what is reported but grasp at sound bites and repeat it as truth. When all you see reported is biased with an agenda, all too many people will take away what they think they have absorbed as fact.
Take a look at the rise of the Nazi party in Germany and it is not hard to see the parallels that are occurring now.
a look at the rise of the Nazi party in Germany and it is not hard to see the parallels that are occurring now. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Great to see that 2Pups sky is also falling today!
joe bloe's Avatar
Great to see that 2Pups sky is also falling today! Originally Posted by bigtex
Get your head out the sand Big Turd. Ignoring America's problems won't make them go away.

Get your head out the sand Big Turd. Ignoring America's problems won't make them go away. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I look through the windshield, not the rear view mirror!
joe bloe's Avatar
I look through the windshield, not the rear view mirror! Originally Posted by bigtex
You need glasses.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oblivious to the past unless you want to talk about Bush hey BugTux?
I do not see the sky falling but I do see problems not only with this administration but with what has been done in the past that continues to affect this generation and those to come.

I do not understand why you stick your head in the sand and fail to see that we have allowed a government to become something that we cannot afford. This includes military, welfare,and more.
When you have half of the people riding in the wagon, a fourth of the people walking along side, and a fourth of the people pulling the wagon, all while the riders are yelling you are not pulling hard enough or fast enough, something is terribly wrong. As the pullers get stronger, they are expected to pull more and the riders increase their numbers and feign weakness
You need glasses. Originally Posted by joe bloe
How do you know? Have you ever met me? Or is Joe the Bloehard just doing what Joe the Bloehard does best?

Bloeing Hard!

As it relates to whether I need glasses. My vision seemed to be a hell of a lot better than yours in the days, weeks and months leading up to Election 2012.

Perhaps it is Joe the Bloehard who needs glasses!

And Joe the Bloehard, while I am thinking about it. Why don't you dwell on this thought for a few moments.

Eat your heart out LOSER!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Maybe you just don't understand how the game is played.

The primary job of the media is to sell its content.

The problem is that everyone has their own bias which they often misinterpret as the truth.

. . . Your job is to sift through the "news" and determine how valid the data is or isn't.

. . . Your job is to sift through the "news" and determine how valid the data is or isn't. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It's pretty damned obvious that accurately sifting through data is not one of Joe the Bloehard's strengths.

But he is a pretty damned good Bloehard!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
99% Liberal, eh?

I KNEW you were the 1%.

LMAO @ persecuted dipshits.
Reporters at one time reported the news,now a lot give their opinion.