HAIR or BARE?? 4 the Ladies..

  • jaxar
  • 01-16-2010, 04:10 PM
The men have spoken, "Bush Lovers Unite", now would like to hear from the ladies. What do you prefer in a man? Hair or bare? Same question for facial hair, do you prefer baby smooth or a little scruf?
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Facial hair is fine as long as it isn't fresh stubble then it feels like sandpaper on my sensitive parts and gives me painful 'whisker-burn'. As far as pubic hair in general I don't mind some if it is at least trimmed. There is nothing worse than getting a long one stuck in my throat or in between my teeth. I do think shaved balls are very nice and they will definitely get more attention that way.
I love trimmed or bare. There's nothing worse than coughing up a hairball.
If below the belt you belong on 70s porn do expect the boys to be felt but not tasted, no need to be fuzz free just be sure to tame the jungle every now and then. Facial hair; here is how to test your face take a peice of tissue and rub it against the grain, IF you rip the tissue of have some of it stuck to your face its time for a shave.