2010 National M&G in Vegas

Traveler64's Avatar
I attended a national M&G in Las Vegas this past weekend so I thought I'd at least let the ECCIE community have a sense of what one of these events is like if you weren't there. I expect there will be other write-ups on other boards.

For obvious security reasons I will not get into any specifics regarding names or location.

It was held in a private, secured facility with attendance by invitation only. Someone had to vouch for you or you weren't getting in. Food and drink was provided with the gents paying what I thought was a very fair donation.

Personally, I thought the event was spectacular. Although it was kind of an open house environment with people coming and going all night there had to be well over a hundred people there most of the night. I was there for at least five hours and it was really hopping most of that time.

The hosts really deserve mucho kudos for all the work that went into this. The dessert table alone containing many custom made chocolate whizbangs deserves special mention!

I know that at other socials I've attended the gents can sometimes well outnumber the ladies. This was not the case here. There were more than enough ladies. While most were Vegas locals there were plenty of others from other states.

Often in these events there is one or more ladies in attendance that have a bit more of a forward personality than others. This party was no exception and that's all I'm saying about that in public.

A big thrill for me was running into a gent that I had never met but who's reviews I had read. Although he's not a Dallas resident it turned out we had stories to swap about a couple of ladies that were Dallas legends. An example of how much fun a national social can be.

Most of the people I talked to knew of ASPD's demise. So I spent part of my time trying to say ESCORT CLIENT CO ..... I know of at least two providers that will be touring Dallas in the future that whipped out their smart phones and entered eccie.net so they knew where to post an ad. (Hey - I made sure I did a little marketing before I got carried away with alcohol and that physical stuff.)

I might give you more specifics via PM if I know you, you owe me money, or you are a middle aged brunette with DDs and know my sensitive areas.
johnnybax's Avatar
I've done meats with other forums but never with a forum of this nature.. Sounds like something I'll have to partake in!