I have a quesiton about your encounters with the hobby...

SloaneMacallan's Avatar
I am just curious to know what your favorite part of the session is and why is it your favorite?

For providers and hobbyiest

Inquiring minds you know, plus it is a good way to hear some naughty little things to imagine for B.O.B. time later on!

vincentfloyd's Avatar
the antici...pation is usually my favorite part (after the actual BCD time of course). the PM/text/email exchanges with all the tension. whew! i need a cigarette
PoppyToyota's Avatar
My favorite part is the first kiss as I'm walking in the door. Kinda sets the tone for the fun later on. Then when the lady starts helping me undress. Laney Von did this and it's really hott to have a beautiful woman undo your belt as she's smiling. I felt like I could etch diamonds after her dropping my pants.
Feeling like a kid in a candy store......and I'm greedy.
That first greeting when you walk in the door and have an intimate greeting.

The anticipation part kills me, not my favorite. I want what I want and I want it NOW!
growler's Avatar
If I had to pick one thing. It would be the oral interplay. It really turns me on, to see if I can get a woman to orgasm this way. And what she will do in return......Though I love taking nylons off.
nycflyer's Avatar
> The Anticipation - The whole feeling of looking forward to and preparing for something so pleasureable is a turn-on in itself

> When the Guard Drops - When meeting someone for a first time, that initial moment during dinner/conversation when you both laugh at the same joke or make that first genuine lustful eye contact and enjoy the fact that you don't have to talk about the weather any longer.

> Mutual bliss - Those moments when you are both so completely turned on that every mental and physical inhibition is gone. Or at least when she fakes it really well to make me think this is true.

Of course, a slow striptease with a smile and great eye contact will do it for me everytime....
pmdelites's Avatar
My favorite part is the first kiss as I'm walking in the door. Kinda sets the tone for the fun later on. Then when the lady starts helping me undress. Laney Von did this and it's really hott to have a beautiful woman undo your belt as she's smiling. I felt like I could etch diamonds after her dropping my pants. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
ditto ditto ditto!!!

communicating back and forth to schedule is just part of the overall encounter. but if she's a good communicator, that generally is a predictor of the actual physical encounter.

on the first encounter, how comfortable she feels w/ me is another predictor, but not the most favorite part.

during the physical encounter, the sensations that we give each other is often the best [and the worst] part - depending on the woman and how well we're getting along.

if i had to give up all but one, i would keep, of course, the actual physical encounter behind the closed door - and not just in the room w/ a bed.
The greeting...when I first sweep through the door, lay my eyes on my new gentleman, and place a nice deep, passionate kiss on their lips.... my favorite! Yummy!
gfejunkie's Avatar
For me it's the first time we lock eye contact. Usually from only a few inches apart. The more seductive look she has in her eyes the better. Sends tingles up and down my spine just knowing what a good time I'm about to have.

Judge Smails's Avatar
First time meeting... she makes the first move. Very hot and confident.

Subsequent sessions, a nice, familiar kiss and a laugh from both of us with things to " catch up" on. Oh, and still the first move by her!
JohnnyPool's Avatar
I like the build up and the mutual physical satisfaction, but 'clicking' ,the moment you know you'll both be comfortable is my pursuit. Whether it be a look in the eye, the first move or a common giggle between us.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-13-2010, 09:59 PM
When the subsequent times are made to feel like the first time and the foreplay and conversation gets better.
I kinda like the part when the viagra wears off and my head stops hurting (the big one and the little one)..Oh, I also like that first look at her,if she is fine my mind says ''OH BOY THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD'',on the other hand I have thought ''OH SHIT I SHAVED MY BALLS FOR THIS''' argh...
trying to intuit someone's mood & working from there. it is always important to get in tune to a guy's mindset. during appt's my full attention is ON! i like to hit that switch, it's the best

undressing is nice too, i like the first feeling of skin-on-skin contact! and i like sexy lingerie it's fun someone gets to see it! i like pulling off clothing too..ripping them off!