Tucker Carlson Home Assaulted by AntiFa

  • oeb11
  • 11-08-2018, 02:42 PM

Protesters Descend On Home Of Fox’s Tucker Carlson

Brendan Cole
3 hrs ago

Video by Washington Post

A group that says it campaigns against fascism turned up at the home of Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson, chanting that he leave town.
The group called “Smash Racism DC” posted video on social media of them ringing the doorbell at his Washington, D.C., house. One person is heard shouting through a megaphone. “Your policies promote hate and we want you to know we know where you sleep at night.”
The crowd then began chanting “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!” People reported.
The video has since been taken down by Twitter, but it carried a caption describing Carlson as a “racist, sexist, bigoted Fox News personality.”
Carlson said his wife, Susie, was home alone and heard the noise from the kitchen. She called the police and locked herself into a pantry, Fox News reported.
He said the group posted online the home addresses of his brother and his former college roommate, Neil Patel, who co-founded the Daily Caller with Carlson.
Twitter has suspended the account of Smash Racism DC, which had published Carlson’s address.

Carlson is famed for his abrasive presenting style and for exemplifying the right-of-center views for which his channel is renowned.
Last week, he compared a "whiteface" Halloween costume worn by NBC News host Lester Holt to that of recently fired "Today" show host Megyn Kelly, deeming all people offended as "self-righteous."
Recently, Carlson said that he is no longer able to dine out in restaurants because people shout insults at him.
"I don't feel threatened, but having someone scream, 'F*** you!' at a restaurant, it just wrecks your meal," he told a National Review podcast, in which he denied he was in cahoots with President Donald Trump and disagreed with a number of his policies.
Smash Racism DC was also behind the ambush of Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife at a Washington, D.C., restaurant during Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
Carlson got the support of several high profile media personalities, with Kelly describing the incident as “stomach churning.” She tweeted: “This has to stop. Who are we? What are we becoming? He does not deserve this. His family does not deserve this.”
Radio host Buck Sexton tweeted: “This country is headed down a very dark path because delusional cowards on the left think they are defending our way of life when in reality they are the ones destroying it.”

Comment - From MSN.com, Newsweek, People, and Washington Post.

Fake News??????
The Leftist AntiFa strikes again, on behalf of Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, and other Leftist leaders advocating violence against any of different opinion.

Civility - a lost cause.

They will shortly be throwing Molotov cocktails through windows.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2018, 02:45 PM
You have to fight hate with hate....love never wins , it just leaves you with two slapped cheeks.


Love needs Billy Jack or it gets the shit kicked out of it.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lawbreakers should be prosecuted.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2018, 03:49 PM
Lawbreakers should be prosecuted. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I agree but having someone shout "Fuck you" to you while dining with your family is not against the law.
We should all withhold judgement.

Those people might be "Crisis Actors".

How do we know Carlson didn't hire those people?

I only get my news from Shmalecks Shmones and Faux Knews.

[All in good fun. Nobody get their panties in a wad.]
I do not understand why these people put up with this shit. If a guy walks up to my table at a restaurant and causes a disturbance we are going to have a physical altercation. I'm a spiteful SOB and will go to lengths to correct disrespectful behavior toward me damn the consequences. Why don't these politicians defend themselves instead of crying about it?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-08-2018, 04:43 PM
Tucker Carlson is a little bitch....whose ass is he gonna whip?

Shit Ted Cruz got punked by Trump, you think he is gonna stand up to some protesters?
Russ38's Avatar
Would love to see them try and pull that shit at a private residence in Texas....
txdot-guy's Avatar
The man brought it on himself. I liken this to celebrities complaining about the paparazzi.

If you are a public figure that ridicules half the nation you should expect people to get angry.

That being said they should arrest the protesters that terrorized his wife.

In my opinion this problem starts at the top. When our leadership espouses hate that's what you get in response.
Budman's Avatar
You can't be serious. Somehow this is Trump's fault. How about the fucking cunt Maxine Waters telling people to get it the face of anyone in Trumps administration. Those fucking antfa fucks are cowards. Those fuckers should have been met with about 20 rounds from an AR15. If this shit keeps up there will be killings. The left will be solely responsible.
I like Tucker. He calls out the scum on his show for what they are and he doesn't back down

Tucker will survive. And his ratings just might go up.
left will be solely responsible. Originally Posted by Budman
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We should all withhold judgement.

Those people might be "Crisis Actors".

How do we know Carlson didn't hire those people?

I only get my news from Shmalecks Shmones and Faux Knews.

[All in good fun. Nobody get their panties in a wad.] Originally Posted by VeggieDawg
So why would Carlson terrify his own wife?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The man brought it on himself. I liken this to celebrities complaining about the paparazzi.

If you are a public figure that ridicules half the nation you should expect people to get angry.

That being said they should arrest the protesters that terrorized his wife.

In my opinion this problem starts at the top. When our leadership espouses hate that's what you get in response. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Hate...that's an interesting word. Care to document what this "hate" was?
The man brought it on himself. I liken this to celebrities complaining about the paparazzi.

If you are a public figure that ridicules half the nation you should expect people to get angry. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Then why have we NOT SEEN anything even remotely coming close to this, towards all those liberal media pundits, who continually bad mouth half the nation (calling all whites, racist, calling all conservatives nazi supporters etc)? Such as against steven Cobert? Or against people like Waters??
Why is it we've only seen this sort of mob tactic, against conservatives?

That being said they should arrest the protesters that terrorized his wife. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

I was shocked i didn't see mentions of mass arrests with that mob, especially of those who made threats to bomb the place..

In my opinion this problem starts at the top. When our leadership espouses hate that's what you get in response. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

So by your twisted logic, Mad maxine, should expect mobs outside her house, same with DOZENS of other liberals..

You can't be serious. Somehow this is Trump's fault. How about the fucking cunt Maxine Waters telling people to get it the face of anyone in Trumps administration. Those fucking antfa fucks are cowards. Those fuckers should have been met with about 20 rounds from an AR15. If this shit keeps up there will be killings. The left will be solely responsible. Originally Posted by Budman

We saw JUST how quickly the left were bashing trump for that 'mad bomber', even though the guy was nutso. Along with how they jumpped all over him for not "Condemning" that guy who run those folks over, in charlottsville..
YET I've not once, heard a SINGLE BLOODY liberal condemn a single one of violent acts done by Antifa.