Alyssa Milano offers her Kidneys to RGB!

bambino's Avatar
Pssst Alyssa, you will die if you don’t have your kidneys!!! But knock yourself out!!!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So she was serious about the body parts but joking about giving her husband?
A joke you think?
No, couldn't have been. People give ribs and both kidneys all the time.

Pssst Alyssa, you will die if you don’t have your kidneys!!! But knock yourself out!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
So she was serious about the body parts but joking about giving her husband?
A joke you think?
No, couldn't have been. People give ribs and both kidneys all the time. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Of course she was kidding about the husband.

The organ quip reflects the extremes that the Left is willing to go to keep her kicking at least untill 2020.

By the way. People give one kidney all the time, since you can live just as well with one good one.

But two? I doubt many are getting in line for that.
bambino's Avatar
So she was serious about the body parts but joking about giving her husband?
A joke you think?
No, couldn't have been. People give ribs and both kidneys all the time. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I think she’s stupid. Maybe she can get together with Behar and redraw the US Senate districts. Was Behar joking about that?
I think she’s stupid. Maybe she can get together with Behar and redraw the US Senate districts. Was Behar joking about that? Originally Posted by bambino
Brain Dead Behar got her talking points mixed up.

She has to be the most obnoxious cunt on TV. She's also stupid. And ugly......strike three.
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2018, 11:34 AM
Jackie- Please keep it civil
You are better than that - no need to devolve to that level

I enjoy reading your posts.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So she was serious about the body parts but joking about giving her husband?
A joke you think?
No, couldn't have been. People give ribs and both kidneys all the time. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Both kidneys...only when you're dead.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2018, 02:14 PM
I'd donate an organ to Alyssa
Jackie- Please keep it civil
You are better than that - no need to devolve to that level

I enjoy reading your posts. Originally Posted by oeb11
I am always civil,with my fellow posters on this Forum.

But when it comes to the antics of the Socialist/Liberal/Progressives, such as Behar and their Lackeys in the Main Stream Media, I refuse to give them any quarter.

If the Forum's powers that be state that we have to be civil in that regard, then I might reconsider. The other option is to not post. I cannot believe that there would be that type of censorship on the Forum.
If these liberal virtue signalers, are really serious about offering up organs for those in need. FINE. have them all go under the knife..
There's thousands awaiting a kidney, lung and liver transplant.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Jackie- Please keep it civil
You are better than that - no need to devolve to that level

I enjoy reading your posts. Originally Posted by oeb11
Jackie has been the most civil poster on here for years. No need to lecture him. If he feels strongly about something hear him out.

I enjoy his posts as well.
LexusLover's Avatar
Brain Dead Behar got her talking points mixed up.

She has to be the most obnoxious cunt on TV. She's also stupid. And ugly......strike three. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie- Please keep it civil
You are better than that - no need to devolve to that level

I enjoy reading your posts. Originally Posted by oeb11
I think Jackie displayed remarkable restraint and honesty.

Here's what I saw and read:

Joy Behar said Democrats lost key senate races because of gerrymandering in a segment on ABC’s ‘The View’ Wednesday morning.

For some bizarre reason, ABC’s News’s Matthew Dowd brought up the fact that more ballots were cast in favor of the total number of Democratic candidates than Republican candidates running for U.S. Senate.
Do the Liberals now want Senators to be elected based on California and New York voters?

Not only do they not want U.S. borders, now they don't want State borders.

And they really believe they are smarter than everyone else?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-10-2018, 12:22 PM
Jackie has been the most civil poster on here for years. No need to lecture him. If he feels strongly about something hear him out.

I enjoy his posts as well. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Maybe Jackie can donate some of that civility to some posters here in this could donate a robe to RBG.
Maybe .you could donate a robe to RBG. Originally Posted by WTF
Could that double as a burial shroud?
LexusLover's Avatar
Could that double as a burial shroud? Originally Posted by Jackie S
That would probably be the first the old lady DIDN'T separate ...

.. Church from State . but only for not being able to do so.