GFE is stupid and should be banned!!

john_deere's Avatar
okay, the TERM "GFE" is stupid and should be banned, not the activities that supposedly make up GFE.

i know this has been debated ad nauseam, but whatever. it still seems to get used more and more and it's just totally fucking pointless. it gets applied as a universal term when in fact it's different for every single individual.

and, quite frankly, i have to believe that guys who use the term GFE haven't really had very many girlfriends. i mean, look…i once dated a psycho ex-stripper who was a bipolar, alcoholic, nut job with intimacy issues, and that was on a good day. her pussy stubble was so rough it was like sticking my dick in a cactus, and she never once kissed it to make it feel better. that, my friends, was a girlfriend experience i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! or kieth olberman.

on the other hand, i spent many years with a girl who defined the term girlfriend experience. she was what every dude dreams about.

it's a state of mind, not an activity.

so, i'm just sayin'...ladies, stop advertising GFE. it makes about as much sense as "sport style suspension" or "race inspired fuel injection." dudes…give it up. it's a waste of review space. all three letters of it.

that is all.
Ahhhhhh, the war has begun...
From this day forward I will not longer be GFE.....but HSE.
The 3 minutes I wasted reading this thread are 3 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Oh, crap.
bojulay's Avatar
The GFE term covers a pretty standard set of activities,
BBBJ, LFK, DFK, possible CIM, NQNS and Illusion Of Passion

We're not talking about a regular relationship here,
(although an All Time Favorite could come close)

What we're talking about is a set of activities offered
by a provider to a client during a session, nothing else.

The skills of her delivery of those services and the passion
involved, of course is relative to each individual provider.

If you're looking for someone that will or will not bitch
you out because you were out with your friends again
instead of being with her, then you're in the wrong place.

GFE is only describing a set of bedroom activities, nothing
outside of that.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-21-2012, 02:23 PM
I too feel like I wasted time reading that.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-21-2012, 02:48 PM
The GFE term covers a pretty standard set of activities,
BBBJ, LFK, DFK, possible CIM, NQNS and Illusion Of Passion

We're not talking about a regular relationship here,
(although an All Time Favorite could come close)

What we're talking about is a set of activities offered
by a provider to a client during a session, nothing else.

The skills of her delivery of those services and the passion
involved, of course is relative to each individual provider.

If you're looking for someone that will or will not bitch
you out because you were out with your friends again
instead of being with her, then you're in the wrong place.

GFE is only describing a set of bedroom activities, nothing
outside of that. Originally Posted by bojulay
That is YOUR definition. Some will agree, many others do not. That was the OP's point, IT'S ILL DEFINED.

Like "New & Improved!", "World Famous", and many other slogans. It's PR speak and should be taken as such, no more. Neither you nor anyone else is the acknowledged Keeper of GFE Meaning, and if you think you know what anyone else means by the phrase, you are headed for misunderstanding.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I guess we need a board of standards like every other professional society. Just like any other industry has standards and board certification, the hobby needs this as well. We have a great opportunity here since it is obvious definitions matter but can't be agreed on. So, I say let's create some standards and hold all accountable. I know in the past I've been hesitant to impose a definition on terms like GFE, PSE etc, but no more. I think we need to impose definitions. Since these definitions by nature must be objective, I will not consider the notion of attitude or illusion of passion. Those can't be quantified with exact precision as they are subjective. In light of that, here are my definitions. Let the debate and controversy begin.

1) True GFE-- This is a provider who will do everything a real world girlfriend would be expected to do by at least 3/4 of all guys. All activities would be expected to be uncovered as you would with a real girlfriend. The menu of activities would be whatever the mind could imagine. Remember, it is as if you are with your girlfriend. The two of you are in love and want to please and be pleased by each other.

2) GFE-- Most everything included in True GFE except BBFS is off the menu and the provider has the right to limit some of the "extreme" activities (i.e. Greek). Other than that, BBBJCIM is expected, MSOG is expected, DFK/LFK is expected, multiple positions are expected, a non-rushed experience is expected.

3) GFE Safe-- Same as GFE but BJ is covered. MSOG is expected, DFK/LFK is expected, multiple positions are expected, a non-rushed experience is expected.

4) GFE Lite-- Same as GFE Safe but the provider may limit other aspects of the date like positions or activities. There is almost no difference in this definition than a provider who doesn't describe/advertise herself as GFE.

5) True PSE-- All the aspects of True GFE AND the proivder needs to show proof of being in some type of adult movie.

6) PSE-- All the aspects of GFE with the same stipulation the provider has performed in an adult movie.

There are no PSE-Safe or PSE- Lite definitions.
john_deere's Avatar
eeeeexactly. no offense, bojulay, but you just showed why this thread isn't a waste of least in comparison to much of the drama king drama queen shit that flies around here.

palmson, what kind of engineer are you again?

and, i feel sure the ladies will back me up here...most girls of any kind aren't stoked about being fed a salty nut treat. it's the exception, and if you're gonna apply some standards, it should be in the pse category.
bojulay's Avatar
That is YOUR definition. Some will agree, many others do not. That was the OP's point, IT'S ILL DEFINED.

Like "New & Improved!", "World Famous", and many other slogans. It's PR speak and should be taken as such, no more. Neither you nor anyone else is the acknowledged Keeper of GFE Meaning, and if you think you know what anyone else means by the phrase, you are headed for misunderstanding. Originally Posted by Old-T
If it's PR speak then it has no meaning, and that's not so.

It is the activities involved, simple as that, not really the
least bit complicated, the lack of those activities would
be non GFE.

Whether or not a Provider is good or not in her delivery
of those services is another question, and relative to
each individual provider. Don't confuse the two.

To say that the term GFE in itself has a relative meaning
you would have to take away the standard list of
activities that is considered to be GFE, and just let
everyone make up their own list.

If that is allowed to happen then we have Anarchy, Dope, Gun banns,
and Fucking in the streets. Democrats in the White House
and the demoralizing and denigration of our Constitution,
five dollar a gallon gasoline, and rampant unemployment.

Oh, no I'm sorry, that's what happens if Obama gets reelected.
My Bad.

Yes some of those activities could be debated and you had
better clarify with the Provider before you see her or
through reviews or her list of specific activities that she

If she just lists herself as GFE and you go by that alone
then you could get anything, I think that is your main
point you are trying to make. But that is a trick no one
should fall for.

Find out specifics and you wont get any surprises.

If you do that and then say to yourself, YES I would consider
this girl GFE and what I am looking for, then go for it.
Know what you expect and what you are wanting.

If a provider just lists herself as GFE and you have nothing
else to go by, no reviews or anything, and she doesn't
want to talk to you about or give a list of activities she
provides, I would pass on her. To me that says disappointment
is in store.

Do good research always on any girl you want to see for
the first time, don't just go by some term that's listed
on her showcase, and you shouldn't have many disappointments.
pyramider's Avatar
Why isn't BBCR and taint tickling part of the GFE definition?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Why isn't BBCR and taint tickling part of the GFE definition? Originally Posted by pyramider
WTF are BBCR and taint? Please enlighten my ignorance.
john_deere's Avatar
you know, bojulay, for a republican, you sure seem to like!

i had a girlfriend once that liked me to eat nutella out of her asshole. where does that go on the standard list?

what? you thought "nutella" was a metaphor?? you sick fucks!!
gimme_that's Avatar
WTF are BBCR and taint? Please enlighten my ignorance. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I dont know what bbcr...but that is thw perineum. Or in orher words that thin patch pf skin between your anus and genitailia.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar