Docs seek to stifle patients' rants on Web sites

My sister went to an orthopedist for disabling pain in her lower back. She had several surgeries on her low back years prior to. This one doctor merely took an Xray in his office and concluded he couldn't find anything and when she pressed him to do more to find the source of her pain he became hostile toward her, and tried to persuade her it was all in her head, and maybe she was depressed. "What was depressing her was her severe pain".

She ended up going to another doctor who did several tests, from an MRI, to an EMG and eventually found she had a herniated disk below her prior fusions, and very serious nerve damage (my sister limped when she walked and had difficulty with lifting her left leg).

She finally recieved proper treatment and surgery to correct the problem.

I think sites like this are awesome.

Another profound interesting article on this very problem in the US