Waco Kid's College Football week 5

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What is Waco Kid's Weekly College Football Review? It is an ongoing weekly review of all things College Football!!

Each week upcoming games can be discussed and predictions made, name-calling after victories and general all-around college football discussion! Each week will be closed out by the next Monday and a new thread opened for the current college football schedule for each week.

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Actually we do.

WKWCFR rule 1

"Lies, damn lies and statistics!"

British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli

If you quote a stat, record, 3rd down conversion rate, an all-time mark or the number of jock straps an 85-man team needs ...

Post it! If you can't post a link to it, it's bogus!
What's valid in the Internet age? Just about anything! Any of the major sports publications, local newspapers, any of the big networks and official school and NCAA sites just to cover the big ones.

WKWCFR rule 2

Predictions must be posted 1 day in advance! If you haven't read the sports page and figgured out who's going to win by the day before ya never will!

Must be time stamped before Midnight the day before game-day, for any weekly games Thur-Sun on the current weekly schedule.

So there you have it, pretty basic! You can post on general topics of your favorite teams regardless of that week's opponent. Just remember WKWCFR rule 1

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Winner: Louisville

The Ville struggles at home, this one is on the road and Pitt is 2-3. Go Cards!


Winner: Rutgers
Greg Who? Rutgers doesn't miss Schaino, which is a testament to the program he built there.


Winner: Kansas St.
Going all in with Snyder.


Winner: Texas
Texas showed me more losing to WVa than ZerOU has all year. Hook'em Horns!


Winner: Alabama
No way Alabama loses this game. Bet your house on it.


Winner: Michigan
As i expected, UM works it's way back into the top 25 after the season opening trashing by Bama. Don't blow it now against a 2-3 Illini team. In the Big House.


Winner: ND
Touchdown Jesus puts the hex on Stanford's LUCK. Or lack thereof.


Winner: Boise St.
After a season opening loss to Sparty, the Smurfs begin to round into shape on offense.


Winner: WVa
Pat Forde thinks this is an upset alert. I don't. The only reason Tech's defense is number 2 overall is they haven't played anyone. They play someone this week.


Winner: Oregon State
The Beavers aren't that good. BYU is worse.


Winner: Free Shoes U
OK, Jimbo, This is your most important game EVER. You lose this one after getting upset, at home, to a 1-4 BC team and Chief Osceola will stick his spear where the sun don't shine. Ouch.


Winner: Florida
Vandy was supposed to be a king maker in the SEC this year. Will better not let Vandy make him a Drag Queen. ahaha.


Winner: USC
This has trap game written all over it. Going all in with Kiffy, but i'm not real sure why.


Winner: Cincy
Cincy is overrated at 21 in the polls. That should still be more than enough to beat 2-A Fordham. It better be.


Winner: Ohio St.
Indiana only plays basketball, don't they?


Winner: S Carolina
Went against the the HBC last week and paid the price. Can't do it this week. Lester suffers another "Honey Boo Boo" game.


Winner: Texas A&M
This should have been the season opener for both teams. Better for A&M it comes now. Sumlin can coach.


Winner: Tennessee

Mississippi State ain't played anyone yet. Not like UT is anyone but gotta pick an upset. I feel it.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Halftime smackdown score. Oopsie, little mack is displaying his outstanding coaching chops. texans, as usual, think that saying something is the same is DOING something - just because they're texans...LOL! pitiful excuse for a major college program. You overblowhards ought to get out more - if you did, you'd realize what a joke the rest of the country thinks you are.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well what a surprise to see you pop up here Randy. Yep a downbeat indeed, however we're still +15 games on you Sooners so how bad does that really make ZerOU look? And if Bozo is really that much better then why is he only +3 overall against us?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Winner: Louisville

The Ville struggles at home, this one is on the road and Pitt is 2-3. Go Cards!

18 Louisville 45

Pittsburgh 35
The Ville continues to win, in the watered down Big Easy they might actually go undefeated. Not. And who would care anyway?


Winner: Rutgers
Greg Who? Rutgers doesn't miss Schaino, which is a testament to the program he built there.

A rather pedestrian showing for Rutgers against a bad Syracuse team but a win is a win.


Winner: Kansas St.
Going all in with Snyder.

K States gets tested by a better than expected Iowa State team and earns a good road win. They control the Big 12 .. so far.


Winner: Texas
Texas showed me more losing to WVa than ZerOU has all year. Hook'em Horns!

15 Texas 21
13 Oklahoma 63
Not even the Mittster and Hussein could spin doctor something positive out of this mess.


Winner: Alabama
No way Alabama loses this game. Bet your house on it.

1 Alabama 42

Missouri 10
Your house is safe in the hands of Nicky Saban. Maybe he also works for Allstate. LOL.


Winner: Michigan
As i expected, UM works it's way back into the top 25 after the season opening trashing by Bama. Don't blow it now against a 2-3 Illini team. In the Big House.

That's more like it, Wolverines. Just keep it up.


Winner: ND
Touchdown Jesus puts the hex on Stanford's LUCK. Or lack thereof.

17 Stanford 13
7 Notre Dame 20
Stanford might have gotten jobbed in OT, their back probably did get the ball over the goal. Doesn't matter now.


Winner: Boise St.
After a season opening loss to Sparty, the Smurfs begin to round into shape on offense.

Fresno St 10
24 Boise St 20
Not exactly the offensive progress i was expecting especially since i don't recall Fresno being all that scary on defense.


Winner: WVa
Pat Forde thinks this is an upset alert. I don't. The only reason Tech's defense is number 2 overall is they haven't played anyone. They play someone this week.

5 W Virginia 14

Texas Tech 49
Well Tubby has some inner Pirate in him after all. Tech's defense is better than i thought. WVA doesn't seem to have one.


Winner: Oregon State
The Beavers aren't that good. BYU is worse.

10 Oregon St 42

BYU 24
Oregon State is still overrated at # 8 now. That won't last long.


Winner: Free Shoes U
OK, Jimbo, This is your most important game EVER. You lose this one after getting upset, at home, to a 1-4 BC team and Chief Osceola will stick his spear where the sun don't shine. Ouch.

Boston Coll 7
12 Florida St 51
Jimbo rolls and avoids a letdown. Is Bobby smiling in Tallahassee? Probably.


Winner: Florida
Vandy was supposed to be a king maker in the SEC this year. Will better not let Vandy make him a Drag Queen. ahaha.

4 Florida 31

Vanderbilt 17
Florida gets a solid win at Vandy. Key word - Vandy. UF is NOT a legit # 3 team.


Winner: USC
This has trap game written all over it. Going all in with Kiffy, but i'm not real sure why.

11 USC 24

Washington 14
What happened to that high powered offense out there in Tinseltown, Kiffy?


Winner: Cincy
Cincy is overrated at 21 in the polls. That should still be more than enough to beat 2-A Fordham. It better be.

Fordham 17
21 Cincinnati 49
Par for the course at home against 2-A Fordham. Shows me nothing that impresses.


Winner: Ohio St.
Indiana only plays basketball, don't they?

8 Ohio St 52

Indiana 49
Pope Urbie nearly gets burned by IU .. and it's not basketball season yet. Get that defense fixed or else.


Winner: S Carolina
Went against the the HBC last week and paid the price. Can't do it this week. Lester suffers another "Honey Boo Boo" game.

Did i say i was going with Steve Superior this week? I meant Lester. Really .. i did!


Winner: Texas A&M
This should have been the season opener for both teams. Better for A&M it comes now. Sumlin can coach.

22 Texas A&M 59
23 LA Tech 57
Sumlin can coach. just not defense. that's not going to get it done in the SEC aggies.


Winner: Tennessee

Mississippi State ain't played anyone yet. Not like UT is anyone but gotta pick an upset. I feel it.

Tennessee 31
19 Miss St 41
Why do i keep giving the Son of Vince the benefit of the doubt? Close but no upset, Vols. Ah well at least you are better than UK, right?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
so should Mack retire? First bad year you hire new folks, 2nd/3rd bad year?

with utexass budget they should win national championships every year

utexass just seem to take rivals 5 stars without ever seeing them play, as our local guy says, if these guys could properly evaluate players, they would be coaches
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, not yet. let's see how the year plays out. Even if Ash misses the rest of the season and he might, i don't think Case McCoy was that far behind him overall. McCoy got good playing time last year so he's not inexperienced. And you can't buy a National Title. You should know that or T. Boone would have already bought you a couple. or three.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
No, not yet. let's see how the year plays out. Even if Ash misses the rest of the season and he might, i don't think Case McCoy was that far behind him overall. McCoy got good playing time last year so he's not inexperienced. And you can't buy a National Title. You should know that or T. Boone would have already bought you a couple. or three. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
we were like 2/10th from playing for that title

and we have not seen the last of him
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
we were like 2/10th from playing for that title
Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
exactly the point, close but not close enough. some things money can't buy. money can't buy Lady Luck or bribe the Gods of Football.

Now we'll wait till the end of eternity for Candy Randy to post his explanation why ZerOU doesn't win the title every year. won't be holding my breath on that.

at least there's movement toward a mini-playoff. there should be a 16 team playoff like 2-A ball has. oh well it's better than nothing. one thing that would eliminate is the long layoff between the end of the season and the bowl games. that's what jobbed LSU last year, other than the fact LSU seemed to re-invent their playbook for whatever reason. They were playing the best ball at season's end but lost their edge during the layoff. in a playoff with a full 16 team slate the highest seeds could get a bye the first week like the NFL or at least a two week break before the title game like the Superbowl. no excuses being "stale" that way. that rang lame when the NFL tried it, by playing the Superbowl without a two week break. the NFL with a 16 game schedule needs it, and the first round bye. and just like the NFL a team that took a loss or two early but starts playing hot when the playoff starts could take it all. but i digress.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Keed, the +15 was run up in the 1920's and 1930's, the era of pig bladders and sock hats for helmets. If that's all you got for consolation, you ain't got much. But, you already know that.

Series record: UT leads 59-43-5
Series reecord since 1945: UT leads 33-32-3

A little trip down memory lane for you:
1973 OU 52 - ut 13
1986 OU 47 - ut 12
1987 OU 44 - ut 09
2000 OU 63 - ut 14
2003 OU 65 - ut 13
2011 OU 55 - ut 17
2012 OU 63 - ut 21

As for you, cpl-jay, OAMC won their last football conference title in 1944. Hmmmm, 2011-1944 = see you again in 2078. Have a nice life.

You guys looked into Big 12 Women's Scooer?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Keed, the +15 was run up in the 1920's and 1930's, the era of pig bladders and sock hats for helmets. If that's all you got for consolation, you ain't got much. But, you already know that.

Football is Football. play the game. The era is what it is. Then or Now.

Series record: UT leads 59-43-5
Series reecord since 1945: UT leads 33-32-3

That's correct. Went to Texas Sports and counted it up. 33-32-3 on the nose starting at 1945 not after of course.

Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
So you do realize what you just proved don't you? That even with your greatest coaches, in the modern era, Buddy W, the Bootlegger and Bozo combined you are still -1. If those coaches were so great, explain that, Sport.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

As for you, cpl-jay, OAMC won their last football conference title in 1944. Hmmmm, 2011-1944 = see you again in 2078. Have a nice life.

You guys looked into Big 12 Women's Scooer? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
think we ended up #5 in women's soccer if that is what you are trying to say or are you talking this sooner schooner, you must be smoking some of nasty weed
Randy4Candy's Avatar
clp-jay, just trying to give credit where credit's due. I have to admit, it took a little looking in order to find some.

BTW, OU Men's Gymnastics, #2 in the nation in 2011, Women's Gymnastics, Big 12 Champions 2011, and, of course the Wimmin's Softballers.

See, you agro-americans don't have the corner on the Title IX sports.