Most Americans watched the debates on Fox. Most Independent/Undecided voters watched the debate on Fox.

They listened/watched when Hume, Wallace, et al described the disgusting antics of Biden.

Tick, tick, tick......
LexusLover's Avatar

the disgusting antics of Biden.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
"I think Joe Biden is an authentic person. He speaks his mind. People know him. They expect that," Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said. "I think that authenticity is something that people appreciate."

Yep ...

Three peas in a pod.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Yes, most people do appreciate a genuine person, including the American people.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes, most people do appreciate a genuine person, including the American people. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
And I'm looking forward to a fresh, genuine face in the Oval office beginning late January of this next year. A breath of fresh air, to say the least, particularly after the stench stirred up this week....and the past few weeks.
Joe aint a phoney like Romney as for fox I don't believe any straight thinking inde would watch fox...
Joe aint a phoney like Romney as for fox I don't believe any straight thinking inde would watch fox... Originally Posted by ekim008
You are exactly right.....
Biden has served the public for 40+ years, he thinks the middle class has been buried under his watch..... Or the last 4 years anyway..... Buried
Those were Bidens exact words...

He always means what he says, that was enough for me..... If he is positive i have been buried for the last 4 years i would have to be 1 stupid sonafabitch to vote for them... Or do you figure the grave cant get any deeper, might of missed a few of those middle class dumasses so give Obama another chance. I mean really ekim is that your true belief..
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe aint a phoney like Romney as for fox I don't believe any straight thinking inde would watch fox... Originally Posted by ekim008
Joe Biden is a known plagiarist. Stealing someone else's words, and pretending they are your own, is about as phony as it gets.

In the debate with Ryan, Biden said he voted against going to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. He lied; he voted for both wars.

Biden is a phoney.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2012, 08:29 AM
We will see come November who Ohio and Colo and Fl. choose as our President.

It won't be decided on eccie, I hope.
LexusLover's Avatar
... choose as our President.

It won't be decided on eccie..... Originally Posted by WTF
Guarantied it won't be.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-13-2012, 08:58 AM
We will see come November who Ohio and Colo and Fl. choose as our President.

It won't be decided on eccie, I hope. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes we will WTF and what will the lunatic libtards do when that lying cocksucker in the white house gets thrown out on his ass?
Romney has the Presidency in his grasp; it is up to only four key states which show a tight poll - Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa. The below map shows New Hampshire in the Obama column, but recent polling shows a Romney lead in the "Live Free Or Die" State..................but don't underestimate the left's ability to steal this election.

Again, Ohio will be a critical state for the Romney campaign.

On Thursday RealClearPolitics moved a handful of states from “Lean Obama” to “toss-up.” Those states are Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. Collectively they represent 43 electoral votes. RCP aggregates and averages polls, so its moves tend to lag what may be happening on the ground. Its average also still includes some pre-presidential debate polls that have yet to cycle out. Based on their electoral history, though, we should expect that Virginia will go to the GOP and Pennsylvania will go to the Democrats. I’m not saying definitely that they will go that way, but it’s the safer way to bet at this point.

Wisconsin, however, is much more difficult to predict. After the election of Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and majorities in the legislature, and the failed recall attempts against them that followed, it’s fair to say that Wisconsin is very much a state in transition. This year at the presidential level, it is the very definition of a toss-up state. Wisconsin could just as easily stick to its blue roots as it could continue turning red.

RCP’s move followed another significant move regarding a trio of toss-ups. Suffolk polling announced this week that it was pulling out of three states believed to be toss-ups: Florida, Virginia and North Carolina. Reason: They are now lost to Obama in that pollster’s view. Following that announcement, a Tampa Bay Times poll backed up Suffolk’s take in Florida, showing a 7-point lead for Romney. Obama won all three of those states in 2008. Collectively the three Suffolk states represent 57 electoral votes.

RCP has a feature that allows users to rearrange the electoral map, which RCP’s poll averages currently show 201 electoral votes for Obama, 181 for Romney and 156 in the toss-up lane. RCP also counts several states as leaners for both sides that, in my opinion are fair to call. Arizona, for instance, shows as “lean Romney” when the reality is that it stopped swinging months ago and is a likely Romney state. Oregon, on the other hand, is a likely Obama state. New Mexico and Minnesota are likely Obama states; Colorado is likely a Romney state.

Reallocating those leaners to their appropriate sides and taking into account the history and trends in other states, here’s where I landed this morning on the RCP map.
joe bloe's Avatar
Romney has the Presidency in his grasp; it is up to only four key states which show a tight poll - Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa. The below map shows New Hampshire in the Obama column, but recent polling shows a Romney lead in the "Live Free Or Die" State..................but don't underestimate the left's ability to steal this election.

Again, Ohio will be a critical state for the Romney campaign.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Democrat voter fraud in Ohio is probably going to be very aggressive. If the Dimo's can steal Ohio, they can steal the election. The permanent underclass in the big cities in Ohio is going to be mobilized. IMHO

Here's one of the permanent underclass, in Cleveland, who will be all too happy to participate in election fraud.
Sad that the course of America could be determined by the likes of "obama phone" nuts. I wouldn't trust that woman to watch over my dogs; why would I trust her with the future of America.

You can bet she doesn't watch Fox; and probably is high on crack when she tunes into MSLSD.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
genuine bozo