McGovern Receiving Hospice Care In Sioux Falls

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Let's say a prayer for this great man. One of the most decent men to ever serve in our armed forces, and in our Congress.

Rest in comfort, old friend. We are with you.

SIOUX FALLS, SD - Senator George McGovern is receiving hospice care. The family announced Monday afternoon that the senator is in Dougherty Hospice House in Sioux Falls.

It was just in August when the former Democratic presidential candidate gave up his homes in Mitchell and Florida to spend more time near family in Sioux Falls.

His daughter told The Associated Press on Monday that the longtime South Dakota senator is "coming to the end of his life." Ann McGovern declined to elaborate, but noted her 90-year-old father's recent health problems.

Last October, he was treated for exhaustion after a lecture tour. Two months later, he fell and hit his head just before a scheduled interview for a C-SPAN program about failed presidential candidates who've had a lasting impact on American politics.

The 90 year old McGovern was a three term U.S. Senator from the 1960s to the 1980s. He also served in the House of Representatives.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
We're behind him 1000 percent.
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Cheap shot, your Assholiness.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What'd I say?
Cheap shot, your Assholiness. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, thanks for starting this thread. I understand this thread is about Senator McGovern nearing the end of his life. I truly believe you were trying to give credit where credit is due and willing to set the Senator's politics aside. And I commend you for it!

Senator McGovern was a WW II Vet and a charter member of the Greatest Generation. I hope Hospice will be able to keep him comfortable for the remainder of his life. With that, I agree with the Lama. I am also behind the Senator and his family, 1000%.

As it relates to the alleged "cheap shot" by DaliLama. I personally did not take the Lama's remarks to be a cheap shot. The Lama and I have had our differences in the past but I know this much about him, when Lama delivers a cheap shot, he doesn't try to hide it. I know, I have been on the receiving end of more than a few of his cheap shots. (Probably more justified than not!)

StupidOldFart, the Lama and I do not always agree but we served in the Pig Pen together. I know the Lama. The Lama is a friend of mine (well, perhaps occasionally).

StupidOldFart, you can bet your ass that you're no DaliLama.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He was making a reference to McGovern's comments after the Thomas Eagleton scandal broke. It was a cheap against a dying man. Figures you'd be too ignorant to catch it, BigTurd.

And I'm glad I'm no Dalilama. He can be almost as classless as you, BigTurd.
He was making a reference to McGovern's comments after the Thomas Eagleton scandal broke. It was a cheap against a dying man. Figures you'd be too ignorant to catch it, BigTurd.

And I'm glad I'm no Dalilama. He can be almost as classless as you, BigTurd. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I personally did not consider Thomas Eagleton to be a scandal. Addmittedly, McGovern made a poor selection but Eagleton committed no crime. As far as I am concerned, absent a crime, there was no scandal. Unless of course that you consider it to be scandalous for a person to have once received shock treatments. If so, we will have to disagree. Once again.

I stand by my previous remark. StupidOldFart, you're no DaliLama.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Scandal or not, it was a cheap shot. And even beneath the standards of this board.

And listen, asshole. George McGovern was a family friend. He was also one of the the most honest, decent politicians and person I have ever met. Trust me, you are not worthy to shine his shoes.
And listen, asshole. Trust me, you are not worthy to shine his shoes. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ahhhhhhh, that's the StupidOldFart I know!
Last Democrat I voted for, and don't regret the vote ......decent Democrat, decent man, prayers sent!
Last Democrat I voted for, and don't regret the vote ......decent Democrat, decent man, prayers sent! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Musta been before the head trauma?

Sorry, couldn't resist. I just can't fathom a universe where you voted for a decent, forthright, honest, hugely liberal Democrat like George McGovern.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
a decent, forthright, honest, hugely liberal Democrat like George McGovern. Originally Posted by timpage

And very naive..

He would have been a disaster.
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  • 10-16-2012, 10:02 AM
Scandal or not, it was a cheap shot. And even beneath the standards of this board.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What standards?

And listen, asshole. George McGovern was a family friend. He was also one of the the most honest, decent politicians and person I have ever met. Trust me, you are not worthy to shine his shoes. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Nobody on here wants to shine any shoes. If you do not want people to talk shit about family friends, then do not bring them up in here. You were the orginial cheap shot for doing so. You can bet you ass that I will not bring up any family friends in this forum unless I have thick skin. Grow some and quit your whining.

You too Lama, crying about my black joke! That shit was funny and you know it...
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Blow me.
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  • 10-16-2012, 10:33 AM