Odessa must see’s

I just happen to be inOdessa for the night so who is a must see provider to see while I’m here. Outcall would be great but nota must. Help me out fellows.
Link didn't work.. im looking for a few too as in back on the area for the next 2 years
Link didn’t work for me either.
CryptKicker's Avatar
nothing wrong with the link He is referring you to the encounter reports forum where you should do your search
nothing wrong with the link He is referring you to the encounter reports forum where you should do your search Originally Posted by CryptKicker
BINGO! You can search for the town name within that forum to narrow things down to your area. It’s a great place to (ahem) do your homework. Best of luck.
busternutzs's Avatar
I don't recall seeing any must sees in Midland Odessa for a long ass time.

Only must see I read about recently was in El Paso
CryptKicker's Avatar
I don't recall seeing any must sees in Midland Odessa for a long ass time.

Only must see I read about recently was in El Paso Originally Posted by busternutzs
That's surprising considering how low your standards are.
Yeah you search Odessa and they are either old encounters or not worth it. Anyway I had two bad encounters and one with someone I had seen before and it was pretty good.
Yeah you search Odessa and they are either old encounters or not worth it. Anyway I had two bad encounters and one with someone I had seen before and it was pretty good. Originally Posted by Gameshark10
Looking forward to your encounter reports to help improve and update the forum.
Phrasing's Avatar
Throw the shark a bone!