Check out Could 2012 be America’s Last Presidential Election.?

Making the rounds on the Internet (author unkown)

".....I'm not sure I agree with the precise 'disband and replace the government' scenario this author suggests, however, I do not for an instant discount either the notion that nObama would like nothing more than an excuse to institute marshal law...or the likelihood that if he is re-elected that will happen.

I think the country is fast approaching an extreme partisan climate (in some ways, it seems, intentionally exacerbated by nObama) where those that support this fraud will be more openly opposed by those convinced that he's destroying America; and the clash will not be pretty.

My impression is that the number of people that want this bastard gone is not only increasing, but getting less and less patient with his antics. If he stays in the White House (note I didn't say if he remains president...because he ISN'T; at least not legally according to the Constitution) I think that patience will finally run out and there will be overt and aggressive 'civil disobedience'. Many very good people will get caught up in it and that will spur many more 'bench sitters', angry at what they perceive as injustices, to become involved.

Obvious federal reaction; marshal law. (Ever watch the movie, 'V is for Vendetta'.? Hmmm......)

Let's hope not!!....."
BigAl69's Avatar
I respectfully disagree, Dennis. I am the first to say that Obama is not the greatest President I've seen in my lifetime - for that matter, very few have impressed me. But I guess many people in this country would rather have somebody who invades other countries, nation-builds, sets-up pseudo governments, all under the name of "protecting America", then somebody who has taken out several very bad dudes, and also got us out of Iraq (actually, he just stuck to the date that GW set before he left office), and so far has kept us out of Iran. I just hope nobody in China wants to "nation build", and test their (now) mighty military against ours - being the baddest guy on the block doesn't mean we can't use our brain from time-to-time. Diplomacy? Guess that's not a Right-Wing idea...
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I have personally been floating this idea to anyone who will listen. President Obama is the first President that you can look at and say "yup I can see him doing that." I do not think it will happen but then i thought a lot of stuff that has happened in the past few years would never occur.
  • Laz
  • 02-28-2012, 10:50 PM
The ballot box is how we hold our revolutions. That will not change. As long as we can get some more stupid Democrats out of the Senate the worst he can do is create a stalemate where the federal government does nothing. That would probably be a good thing.
I agree with Laz. A party holding the legislative and executive authorities spell trouble. I actually have little beef with this guy. He is a liberal, but he isn't far left crazy. If he does get reelected (which I think he will be), we need a strong republican pretense in the House and Senate.
Well if it does happen I am ready, I can take on small countries by myself.