Everything's In Bold Tonight...is it just me?

tia travels's Avatar
I turn on my computer and head to Eccie. Tonight, everything's in bold. New mail is NON-BOLD. "Read" mail is BOLD. All threads are in bold. No other sites on my computer are in bold. Just Eccie. Is this happening to anyone else tonight? It's 6:18pm ET and I just noticed it.

Is Eccie working on something technical behind the scenes and this is just the side effect or do they not know it's like this?

I put the sentence in RED in BOLD (manually) and yet it's reversed once I save it. It's the only thing NOT in bold in my post. Is this the way others are seeing it too?

If Eccie is working on something and didn't realize they made everything bold, can they please fix it?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Has Tia been knocking back a buncha Red Bulls?

(Everything's normal on my screen.)
tia travels's Avatar
It's back to normal today. That was weird though.