The perfect NASCAR date

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 08-13-2011, 11:53 PM
I have never been to a NASCAR race, but may want to go to one for the experience. Are there any HDHs that would consider this fun and what all must one do (other than BCD) to get the most out of watching a live race?
John Bull's Avatar
Be prepared to be bore, I imagine. The cars go around, and around, and around ad infinitum. Real exciting!
My advice - get laid under the stands and forget the cars.
seanes's Avatar
Bring ear plugs, sunblock, water, water, water and a baseball cap. Been to two, would go again. It's more of a social event with your neighbors. Lived less than a mile from the Riverside raceway, so do bring earplugs.
Be prepared to be bore, I imagine. The cars go around, and around, and around ad infinitum. Real exciting!
My advice - get laid under the stands and forget the cars. Originally Posted by John Bull
I'll offer counter-point to JB. To lead or stay on top of a race going roundy-round is really quite tough. Just look at drivers from other series try to make the big show. Yes it is a soap opera marketing with a heavy flavoring of WWE, but they do for the most part fill seats and sell stuff. But at the end of the day the drafting and strategy is very difficult and compelling. That being said it has been years since I've watched a race from start to finish on TV (BTW the coverage, i.e. camera locations, rock). I have never witnessed a race in person.

But an all time favorte sugarbaby loves the sport. As a matter of fact we hooked up last week after an absence of bedding since October. I thought we'd never see each other so when that email hit my inbox ya coulda knocked me over with a feather. But the remeet was awesome. We both enjoyed our "strange." And that covers JB's last comment.
I know of 2 providers that loved to go see the World of Outlaw Sprint cars, they run on a dirt track, but we made a weekend of it as they run 2 nights, casino in the daytime and racing at night.