Sex Worker OpenUniversity

Found this on the net, maybe it is of interest for some of you? Has anyone ever heard of this before? This open university is a venue within London area, UK.
I`d love to follow their blog, but it says its open for authors only, anyone know anything about this? MErci
Muito obrigada,
Nina Sastri

This is a callout for any performers to happen to be (former) sex-workers and all (former) sex-workers who happen to be performers who would like to perform at the Sex Worker's Open University. There are two performance opportunities, one in our main hub, the Arcola tent, on Saturday 15 of October, or for the more adventurous of performers at our closing club-night, on Sunday the 16 of October (venue tba).
We would like to see performances that explicitly deal with sex-work, either content-wise or formally."

Here is the description of the Sex workers open university: Very well done concept, IŽd say, wonderful work!:

"Sex Worker Open University
Photographer Mathilde Bouvard, 24, was funded by the EU to take portraits of sex workers around Europe and record their testimonies. An exhibition of her work, organised by the Sex Worker Open University (link not suitable for work) as part of a week-long programme of events and workshops, opens today at the London Action Resource Centre in east London. Bouvard's images aim to 'normalise' and 'humanise' sex workers by portraying them in a variety of everyday circumstances"