Review: The awsome ROSY

sholock's Avatar
Date: 1/10/12
Provider: Rosy
Phone: 2282578201
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Biloxi
State: Mississippi
Address: Hotel on Hwy 90
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: BBBJ, DATY, K9, MISS, CG, ACG, and some positions i dont no the name of
Session Length: 1 hour
Fee: 200
Hair Length and Color: short, black
Age: 26
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Rosey is the perfect girl for me. she has some tats witch i love, perfect height, and weight. looks just like her picture
Recommendation: Yes
Still Looking's Avatar

Correct Provider namre and links are always appreciated!
biomed1's Avatar
Per the link you provided, it would appear that Sholock DID spell the Lady's name correctly.

DreamGirlRosy Your Cuban Vacation
Having spent time with this Lady; I can attest that she is a little bundle of energy, and a whole lot of FUN.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Still Looking's Avatar
Thank you Biomed. Did you notice I didn't even spell the word name correctly? Rosy would not pull up on any search when the correct name is DreamGirlRosy. Also it sure is nice when the guys fill out the review in its entirety allowing fellow hobbyist not to go on a search mission because they simply couldn't copy and paste a couple of items. Web Site, ECCIE show case link and fee seem to be the most popular items not put in a review. I believe Sholock spells it Rosy then Rosey under description. No big deal, but the object would be to try and correctly relay the complete correct information to promote this lovely lady and make things easy for us lazy hobbyists! LOL


Email Address:

Web Site:

Nice Review just the same Sholock! Keep them cuming! LOL

biomed1's Avatar
We can agree that the Lady spells her name in a non-traditional manner.

I can see where that can present a problem in performing a search, and then be able to glean any usable results.

We can also agree that recently there have been many reviews across the board, that have unfortunately not yielded a great deal of useful information.

As has been pointed out by our MODS; Mississippi is (dare I say it?) not as progressive, as the big cities of Texas. (Austin, San Antonio, Houston & DFW)

Might I suggest, that our sense of humor may not be as cosmopolitan as yours. (You sir, possess a rapier wit!)

We tend be do things a bit slower here on the Gulf Coast, and find that it works out better in the long run.

This Reviewer:
  • Has only been a member since October
  • This review is only his 4th
    • As such, he does not have your wealth of experience (89 Reviews)
As more experienced reviewers, should we not offer encouragement & enlightenment in the art of constructing a "useful" review?

I appreciate the effort that Sholock put forth in crafting this review; but like you, I find that it could provide more information helpful to his fellow Hobbyists. (As pointed out in your post E-mail address, Website, are essential)

I would encourage Sholock to read the following link:

Afterwards; should he feel that additional information should be added to the review, I would suggest that he PM either JustaGuyinMS or vicinms with that info.

They will edit the review to include the additional information.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Still Looking's Avatar
I can only hope my original post was only interpreted as constructive as it was posted with that intent. The objective was to relay completing the review in its entirety makes life easier for all concerned. Nothing is more frustrating than to have to stop to search who the provider is in order to order to put the review and the provider together. My post was not intended as means to reinvent to wheel with this review but to offer constructive criticism for future reviews.

Sholok, as I mentioned in my last post offered a very nice review. I wish my 4th review would have been done as well as this one!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Thank you Biomed. Did you notice I didn't even spell the word name correctly? Rosy would not pull up on any search when the correct name is DreamGirlRosy. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Damn computers, always answering the question you ask, rather than the question you intended to ask!


bcg (still, much happier to be dealing with computers than to be dealing with lawyers...)
Still Looking's Avatar
Damn computers, always answering the question you ask, rather than the question you intended to ask!


bcg (still, much happier to be dealing with computers than to be dealing with lawyers...) Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
I bet you guys are just like me! I'm NEVER wrong nor do I make mistakes, but my computer is dumber than a sack of hammers! LOL