So hard to get providers to come to BCS

Makes me a very, VERY sad boy indeed!
Guest062716's Avatar
Well, there is a way, but most of the BCS gents do not take advantage of it.......

You have a review of a great reference (Temptation Tammie). Use her vouch to travel to Austin/Houston/ elsewhere and see a lady who advertises she travels.

Once you have had a date with said lady, pre-book her for a 2 hour date in BCS.

Once you have prebooked her, post in MLR that so-an-so is coming to BCS, so other BCS gents can decide to book/not book a date with her while she is in town.

It is that simple.

The problem BCS has is many a gent will tell a lady to come to town, and then NC/NS the lady. I can think of 6 ladies off the top of my head that this has happened to in the past 12 months.

BCS once had a porn star scheduled to make a trip, had very reasonable rates, and she cancelled, as one of the gents that had agreed to see her when she was scheduled to come, PMd her back and asked for a discount. (Abbie Anderson/Katie Zane) She was $250 an hour....

She cancelled her whole trip over one asshole trying to haggle price with her (after he had committed). (I was a mod a the time and I saw the PMs).

NC/NS, haggling, and no/low bookings when a lady does come to town are reasons it is hard for you to get ladies to visit.

I personally, have never had a problem getting a lady to travel to Killeen. Others here have used this same approach successfully.

It is a matter of you building cred with a lady and taking care of her/respecting her when she travels to see you.

I wish you luck, sir.


TemptationTammie's Avatar
Very true OldSarge.
I've made 3 trips to BCS. The first one was great and everyone that pre-booked showed up plus I even got a couple more appts after getting there. My next trip, I barely made hotel costs because of cancellations or NCNS. Third trip, I lost money because I only had one out of four pre-booked appts.
I have heard that this is common in BCS, that the lady will have appts pre-booked and the guys will either NCNS or cancel.
Buckskin's Avatar

OMG I miss her!!!!! She was soooooooooo fine.
Too bad there isn't a way to put down a deposit.
Memories, Sarge. Memories. Many of us helped her break, replace, and then break-in a new bed. Too bad about the NCNS BCS drama. I didn't know that's what led to her abrupt cancellation.
The two-hour prebook will do me in financially, I'm afraid, Old Sarge.. I like your thinking/idea, though!
I am thinking of quick stop on the way to Dallas...thanks for this information. I will reconsider....

However, If any of you gents would like me to stop by....and prebook..can PayPal me a 50% secured deposit.

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