Height, Weight, and other Estimates

Okay, now I know gals have a bad rep for statistically being unable to reasonably estimate the length, girth, et cetera, of a guy... But we're not the only ones bad with numbers. I've noticed a lot of guys overestimating a girl's weight--I'll explain how I know they're over in a bit--because we females are just not as densely packed as you guys. When we exercise and build muscles, so long as we aren't using steroids or what have you, we'll only get to a certain point and then there's really no advancement from there. We can't get ripped and huge, but we can get toned and firm.

Now, as to how I know these estimates are over the mark, that's pretty easy. Unless you're a lady who's six feet tall, 160 lbs is probably too much for your frame. I've seen a lot of the other ladies' showcases, and I've read that their pictures are accurate so if she's not justifiably a BBW, odds are her weight isn't in the realm of obesity. For a quick rule of thumb, there are actually a whole lot of resources including this chart for men and women on healthchecksystems.com, a women's chart courtesy of commonsensehealth.com, and a basic break-down of BMI calculations along with the chart below, courtesy of cancer.org.

So. How do you folks feel about estimates? Do you err on the side of caution and low-ball them, or do you just throw out whatever number you come to first? Any instances you recall of memorable miscalculations that proved funny or insightful? We all love to flub our numbers, but I'd like to try and have an open and honest discussion about bodily estimates of all sorts.
People have usually estimated my weight less than my actually weight. I suspect this is due to my body composition (more muscle mass, than flub) and perhaps bone density (although I've not had a DEXA scan).

Boob size, on the other hand, has been over-estimated. Maybe they just look really big, close-up!
Sounds like you have the reverse of my problems. Must be something to do with hand-body ratios, specifically how big their hand is compared to your body, lol
mayorcastro's Avatar
1) Real medical issues notwithstanding, almost anyone can be "ripped." It's a diet and exercise issue.

2)Just put accurate and up to date pictures in your profile. That way when referring to physical description, guys can just say " See showcase pics"
1) Real medical issues notwithstanding, almost anyone can be "ripped." It's a diet and exercise issue.

2)Just put accurate and up to date pictures in your profile. That way when referring to physical description, guys can just say " See showcase pics" Originally Posted by mayorcastro
Just because they can say that, doesn't mean they will. Personally, my oldest showcase picture is an amazing four months old, and I try to ensure I add a new picture or two each month. Of course, "try" and "do" are two seperate things, haha.

On the point of being "ripped," I had grouped it with huge and elucidated to how women are often referred to as "toned" when their fitness level is high enough to result in well-defined musculature. Sorry for not clarifying fully in the original post, and thanks for pointing it out.
John4229's Avatar
Height and weight are a wild guess - aside of cops and the guys who guess your weight at a carnival, most people don't have much experience assessing others. And it's not like I'm going to show up at your incall with a scale and a tape measure.

So it's not going to be exact, and likely far from it. I'll go with whatever is on the profile, unless it seems to be way off. And if nothing, then ...

For height, I generally go by how tall she is compared to me, but I can probably be off by two or three inches (which is admittedly a lot), particularly if she greets me wearing heels and then takes them off and I have to guess how much they added to her height.

Once I've guessed height, I look to this site for weight: http://www.cockeyed.com/photos/bodies/heightweight.html - it has photos of people with various builds. I hope that gets me in the neighborhood of "right." But again, its a guess.
That's a really neat way of estimating! I've never heard of that site, and it seems to have a pretty comprehensive assortment of heights and weights for people to compare. Your guess may be a shot in the dark, but you seem to put a fair amount of thought into it rather than just plucking a random number out of the air. I have a feeling that if it were plotted out, though the data points would vary, both the true and the proposed measures would follow the same general trend.

What I find amusing is when someone tries to apply the body norms of their frame to that of another. I personally have a tendency to underestimate people's weight because although I consciously know they're taller than me, and therefore literally bigger, it's as if it doesn't completely sink in. That's why I like using BMI reference charts, because it gives me a general ballpark of numbers to choose from, and only needs me to recognize how well or poorly they're carrying their weight.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Not all clients will find you attractive. Those that do will write glowing reviews and come back. Those that don't, well... Do you really wan to see someone that doesn't like you?

The reviews are just the client's point of view. Don't take them to heart (I know, easier said than done).

After looking at your pics.... If they are accurate, you look healthy. Don't get someone's opinion of you get to your head.
Hhgtg2005's Avatar
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Not all clients will find you attractive. Those that do will write glowing reviews and come back. Those that don't, well... Do you really wan to see someone that doesn't like you?

The reviews are just the client's point of view. Don't take them to heart (I know, easier said than done).

After looking at your pics.... If they are accurate, you look healthy. Don't get someone's opinion of you get to your head. Originally Posted by Simon Riley

My attraction to ladies can vary dramatically based on so many different things. I've meet some providers not bcd that are quiet lovely but, I have little to no interest in. I've also had the opportunity to meet providers that didn't interest me on the boards that I met with asap after a meeting. It varies form lady to lady. There are some that remind me of people form my outside life and I wouldn't see because of that. All I can say is different strokes for different folks they can be a 10 and things just don't click.

After looking at your pics.... If they are accurate, you look healthy. Don't get someone's opinion of you get to your head. Originally Posted by Simon Riley
I appreciate the flattery, but I brought up the topic because I was chatting with another provider about it on Google Hangouts. I wanted to get a wider view of the topic and maybe educate a few folks on the available tools out there, like the one John4229 referenced, so here we are. She figured it wouldn't do anything, but I'm the type who believes, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." So, can't hurt to ask, right?
funguy130's Avatar
to get a wider view of the topic Originally Posted by RobinSATX
Observational skills, my cross to bear. BTW, you are hot!
sms918's Avatar
honestly horrible judge of age, weight, height, race.
basically put in review what a provider puts on her profile and reviews.(even if sometimes not exactly accurate info., will correct if way off)

I don't bring a scale, tape measure, or dna test kit, and not a psychic.

I see lots of types of women. I can tell if she's taller than me, general age, general size and color.

I prefer providers I've met socially or referred by friends. personality, real or false, can make a big difference in decisions.
Haha, I don't expect anyone to bring a scale, tape measure, or other tools of that sort to visit a lady. But, I did think everyone has their own way of guessing, and I have enjoyed this little window into how y'all think. Thanks for all the responses, I've had a good time chatting and hope the topic isn't completely dead yet. But of course, if it is... Well, it was fun while it lasted. c;

Oh, and funguy130? I thank you for your compliment. Hopefully I'll be a little more active on the boards now.
joshharris86's Avatar
Haha, I don't expect anyone to bring a scale, tape measure, or other tools of that sort to visit a lady. Originally Posted by RobinSATX
Oh, you just haven't met up with some of our members then.
Oh, you just haven't met up with some of our members then. Originally Posted by joshharris86
There are a lot of folks I have yet to meet, but to be fair, I said I don't expect guys to carry them all the time--though I'm not surprised to find some might very well do just that.