Negative Reviews

Danielle Reid's Avatar
Are men here afraid to write negative reviews about providers?
Personally, I only try to see ladies who have a good history of positive reviews here or are well vetted by another hobbyist via private messaging (thank you to those hobbyists who reach out like that when we post inquiries about ladies). Been lucky enough to not have any meetings that needed bad reviews.

Might be selfish but I don't want to waste my time/money on someone who I'm not sure I will have a good time with.
I recently experienced a bit of backlash from a bad review. However, if i get bad service, expect a bad review. Simple as that. Im not gonna worry about the backlash. Some providers are immature and cant handle a bad review, the good providers are the ones that fix their mistakes and move on.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Honest reviews are what keep the hobby happy. Good or bad, if the lady is having a bad day she needs to put on her big girl panties and buck the fuck her. Take responsibility and try to fix the situation.

WITH THAT SAID! There are some guys that are whiny little bitches that complain over everything no matter what. They don't deserve the type of service most of us ladies have to offer.

I just wondered if a guy has a bad experience would they rather hide in the men's room and complain or just keep it to themselves out of fear of receiving hate from the lady and her WKs
I agree with MrIntrepid. I research my ass off and will be stunned if I have a bad experience. Just bc (with minor exception) I don't take chances.

But Danielle, your answer is "it depends on who the girl is."

Does she have clout? For example am I worried that she can flip out and get other girls to DNS me with her side of the story?

Will I scare off other ladies? Let's say someone no's Ginger or Selena or someone else with a 100% reputation. What is the reaction of the less known ladies? Is it going to be "holy shit this guy is impossible to please" or will they be competitive enough to try?

I know you'll say as long as I pay someone will see me but what if I don't want to see just someone?

I personally would be truthful but I think these are things a guy would consider before giving a no.
The only girls ive ever had a bad time with.lied about their service.more of the lesser known ones.I let the guys know.when they ask about somebody ive seen.I dont like doin reviews anyway.easier to write about someone GOOD.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Im not. I used the pink doll house once. didn't have that great of a time. i didn't want to take the time to write about it, because it simply wasn't worth any time. i posted something small about it in the mens lounge when a guy was asking about opinions. I didn't feel the need to drag it out. Plus the mens lounge isn't secure anyway because some of the women have access to it and read it anyway, or a guy will tell them about it so they know one way or another. The majority of people here seem content with what they have, and seem dead set in their ways. So it could be a waste of time posting something bad, because in a month or two it wont matter anyway. its a continuous revolving door.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I agree with MrIntrepid. I research my ass off and will be stunned if I have a bad experience. Just bc (with minor exception) I don't take chances.

But Danielle, your answer is "it depends on who the girl is."

Does she have clout? For example am I worried that she can flip out and get other girls to DNS me with her side of the story?

Will I scare off other ladies? Let's say someone no's Ginger or Selena or someone else with a 100% reputation. What is the reaction of the less known ladies? Is it going to be "holy shit this guy is impossible to please" or will they be competitive enough to try?

I know you'll say as long as I pay someone will see me but what if I don't want to see just someone?

I personally would be truthful but I think these are things a guy would consider before giving a no. Originally Posted by RJinLR
That takes away all point of reviews
That takes away all point of reviews Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
To be fair, there are a lot of things that people do and say on here that do the opposite of what eccie is supposed to be for.

Moral of the story is that there are a lot of people in this world (and therefore this hobby) that are grouchy AF and unable to enjoy life, and their actions make it more difficult on the rest of us who are just trying to have some fun.
I just rarely write reviews. I see a Hell of a lot more than are in my reviews. I know I should contribute more to the community because I thoroughly read ladies reviews so that I am not surprised when i meet someone.

I've had plenty of bad times and I have not written any NO reviews. I want to be fair because sometimes the bad time is caused by my poor research. Maybe the lady doesn't offer DFK and I missed it in my research and she has a few other no's that make my time with her not enjoyable for me. I may have skewed my expectations based on her pictures and she isnt as pretty as I had hoped or really didn't put as much effort into her appearance for me. Maybe she mentioned time was up subtly my time was about up by offering a shower "with my remaining time." All in all, none of these things are a ladies fault, I had a bad time. This is just a very intimate business on both the guys and girls ends. Maybe I 'm not attractive enough, other guys overstay their time, I worked up too much of a sweat and smell a bit, or I should have used wintergreen instead of spearmint mouthwash.

With all this said, a No review will not hurt a good provider or agency if they provide good, fair service often enough. Based on what I've seen and read there aren't enough of us guys in the state to offer a below average experience and stay in the hobby. I think this is a good thing for both of us. Girls will offer better service and guys feel like we have gotten our moneys worth.

I may not write a review but i do share my experience, warts and all and so do many other guys. PM me if any of you want to know information about a girl, just because I didn't review her doesn't mean I have not seen her. If a lady wants to know, ask me and I tell you what I think about our time too.
Sidinman78's Avatar
I have. They have to really show no care for my time or their reputation for me to give a no. Most of the time I will give a yes but, in the ros I will explain what I didn't like/others might not like. I'd hate for someone to have a bad experience based off me not explaining things.
I like how theeroticreview does it where you rate on a 1-10 scale on looks and a separate on performance. much better than a yes or no recommendation. I tend to only write reviews on providers I have really liked. If they were just ok on looks or performance I just wouldn't write a review to not hurt their business. I generally try help out rather than hurt business.
frenchozarkie's Avatar
As an older male my number 1 need is to cum. I wish that was a provider's goal too.
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St. Searcher
I have written some negative reviews, I think it is important for the community to know when something is not right; but I think we have to be careful that we are posting/ reviewing what happened include the good with the bad.