New to the ECCIE family and looking for a vehical!

I am in dire straights of a vehicalfor a vehical!

EDIT - Removed the portions of this posting that constitutes an ad.
Might want to make friends first.... Ask for crap second
Moved from Coed to Sandbox. The parts of the original posting that constitutes an ad have been removed. Please contact the OP via private message if you wish to respond to her request. Conduct your business via PM or offline please.
Might want to make friends first.... Ask for crap second Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol

BINGO...b@ily hits the ball out of the ball park, lol
Lol it looks kinda mean now that I read it over but dang is anybody really going to fall for that
Lol it looks kinda mean now that I read it over but dang is anybody really going to fall for that Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
There is a sucker born every minute!
Helicopter206's Avatar
I buy mine off a government web site.
it's easy and cheap.
it's like an auction site.
but with government cars.
Whats a Vehical?


or CAR!
What the hell is a vehical for a vehicle???...Wow..and this is post number 3..
malwoody's Avatar
She did say she was "new" to the site..and she by no means holds the record for misspelled words..

Lighten up....fuckin bullies....lmao..:laughbounce2 :
Haaa, it's always good to see Master Malwoody..back in form

Truly the protector of the innocent, lol
She did say she was "new" to the site..and she by no means holds the record for misspelled words..

Lighten up....fuckin bullies....lmao..:laughbounce2 : Originally Posted by malwoody
I think there is a correlation between misspelled words and bad reviews....IMO

or mispelld words and cheep ass losr clyents..
Haaa, it's always good to see Master Malwoody..back in form

Truly the protector of the innocent, lol Originally Posted by vkmaster

True that VK.....he should have been a defense atty....he would have a zero win rate!
Naw...he is the hobby land....Denny Crane (ie Boston Legal), who never once lost a case!!!!!!

Maybe not professionally, but in every other way.

After all, he is the only guy I know that went into a Burger Kig, and order (and rec'd) a Big Mac!!!!!